Decided to drop a podcast with some of your favorite discussions. Check me out on all available streaming platforms!

Decided to drop a podcast with some of your favorite discussions. Check me out on all available streaming platforms!
The whirlwind of life and letting your thoughts get the better of you is crazy. I normally start the year off with a post about positive vibes and good energy but I definitely wasn’t in a good mental space starting off the year. I literally forgot to challenge my thoughts and was overthinking a lot of situations happening in my life. I let my anxiety get the better of me and eventually just had a full on anxiety attack, with the therapist being on the zoom call. She was able to get me back on earth but lordt, was that a rough ride. A rough ride that I haven’t had since my sister (2016) and my dad (2017) died.
Continue readingThe best thing about having a therapist is that they teach you things that can help you in life. They teach you techniques and things they recognize about you. They check you when you need to be checked or give you the praise you’ve been missing. The main thing my therapist taught me is to challenge my thoughts. Ask myself why am I thinking this way, tell myself to push past these thoughts and then to not let it control how I feel. To challenge your thoughts is to not let them consume you to feeling a specific type of way.
Continue readingNo one ever wants to feel vulnerable in any way, shape or form. Supposedly it sets you up for failure, disappointment and disastrous things can come of it. That’s one way to think of it but the other is that good things can come from showing your vulnerability. No one is shielded from everything and that protection spell you cast on yourself won’t always be around. There are many ways to look at vulnerability but I am going to talk about it in the sense of the people around you.
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