What’s Your Zodiac Sign? Part 7 ( Aquarius & Pisces)


Aquarians in general come in two different types: shy, and lively. Both are strong-willed and honest. Your thoughts are orderly and you plan your life in a systematic manner. Sometimes you are aggressive and loud. You are unprejudiced and can see other’s points of views. You are serious, but you can also be funny with a dry sense of humor. You are also logical and intelligent. There are times when you feel the need to withdraw from people and be alone for a while, which causes some people to think that you are a loner. But, while you are alone, you enjoy meditating and prayer. Aquarians are usually gifted in drama. You are very independent and rarely go along with the crowd. Some Aquarians are extremely egotistical, as a result will drive friends away.

Aquarians I know fit this description to the letter; they are warm loving people though. They can tell when something is wrong with you and always try to help fix it. They are lone wolves, sometimes they won’t do anything with anybody unless you say “Yeah we are going to do this together.” They don’t mind being alone and disconnecting from the world even if they lose all their friends in the process.


Two fish are associated with your Zodiac Sign. You are generous, caring, and kind. However, you tend to be more concerned about other people’s problems than your own. You are not a decisive person and may change your mind many times. You are also a follower, but you do not always choose good leaders. Because of your good qualities, you are popular with many types of people, but when you are secretive you drive these friends away.

Pisces care what’s going on with you a little “TOO” much sometimes you may have to tell them to take a step back and tell them you are fine a million times before they get the message. They are still the best people to have around you no matter what. Very honest and dependable, when it comes to things happening in your life or with other people around you.
