Dating in 2015

  Dating in 2015 has to be the most difficult thing for our generation which is connected to everything, to do. Actually think about it, we are a connected generation. We have all the information we need in the palm of our hands but fail at the simplest things like consistent communication. Think about this, 20 years ago went live, DVDs was the newest way to watch videos and pagers are the things people used to communicate.
  Dating in 1995, from what I was told, didn’t have all the distractions we have now. Instagram, snapchat, facebook and twitter are tools we use to socialize with people all over the world but we fail to socialize with the people directly in front of us. Yeah I am pretty sure movies and dinner back then was a great experience but now it’s a waste time especially for a connected generation like ours.
Think about it this way
Movie = 1 hour 30 minute + (barely talking)
Dinner = 45 minutes + (kind of talking)
   During a movie you are barely talking, maybe a certain scene comes on and you’re like “oh that’s crazy” but that’s about it. You either snapchat or instagram that you went to the movie and responding to your comments. After the movie you grab dinner (just because getting food before a movie you might catch the itis) and you’re probably sitting there for at least 20 minutes talking about how the movie was. In between that talking about what you want to eat, now you wasted about 25 minutes. You spend maybe 15 minutes getting to know each other between eating your food, updating your status and taking pics of where you are at. Some people don’t talk while eating so you might not get that. Once you’re done you both are out of the door and texting each other. You didn’t really get to experience the person you went out with.
    The issue with dating in 2015 is that we literally have too many options. Too many options in the form of dating sites and social media sites. We are able to see all these people and we don’t know who to choose from. We want everything because it “looks” better than that other option. Not thinking that, what may look better isn’t always better. We don’t take the time to actually experience someone and see if they are the right fit for us.
Dating a person in 2015 I’ve noticed we are a generation that wants something, not sure what we want but when we finally get it we don’t really want it anymore. We just want to post a pic saying “relationship goals” or that moment to feel loved and don’t want it anymore. After a certain age you have to date to actually be with someone the rest of your life and not just for a one night fling. Yes be extremely picky with who you date but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give people a chance.  My advice would be to date someone that can think outside of the box that is willing to treat you how you are supposed to be treated. This applies to both male and female, sometimes males are used just like females are but date someone that actually wants the same thing as you. After a certain age you should be dating someone that you can see yourself spending the rest of your life with. Not just someone for the moment until you move on to your next but literally your last.

“If you have no intention of marrying the person you’re with now, then you’re wasting your time”

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