We never know what tomorrow brings but do we sit down and wait for it or continue moving forward? Waiting happens with certain things in life and doesn’t have to be with everything. Why can’t we just face our fear of the unknown and just accept it? Is it because of the pain or hurt that we once suffered that we allow it to judge our actions? Yeah most times. I think the fear of the unknown forces us to stay stagnant and not move forward.
I’ve been so bogged down by the fear of the unknown, pain and hurt that I stopped taking the risks that I normally would. I would have to say it’s because of how my life has taken a turn to the left instead of moving forward. I took a step back and realized I was damaging myself by doing this. Damaging my future and the road that I was on by having this fear. Fear is something that will always be present but it’s up to you how you will use it to push you forward. You can’t allow it to break you, you can use it as a stepping stone to your immediate greatness.
The thing that has pushed me past my fear of the unknown is someone that has endured and just kept pushing. Through all the road blocks and changes they keep standing up and pushing forward. Even though they should just break down they keep getting up, not knowing exactly where life is going to take them but knowing they just need to get to that better place no matter what. So don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back from moving forward, allowing people into your life or starting a new career. Continue to push forward past this fear.