I feel that on your birthday you always have some type of revelation or reevaluation of your life for the past year. You look back at all the good and bad decisions, then you begin to make executive decisions on different shit. You make executive decisions on what you will and won’t allow in your life anymore. As you get older I think you make these things a lot stricter depending on what’s going on in your life.
At 25 I was okay with certain things happening in my life the way they did. I had some restrictions on certain things but all in all I just flowed with it. I cared a lot about the people around me and the thoughts of others. At the same time I accepted a lot of things from people that you would deem selfish, just because I knew that’s how certain people acted. At the age of 30, I can’t tolerate things especially if they bring in negative energy into my space. I am constantly trying to maintain my peace of mind, that I could care less about those people around me. I’ve lost my sister and my dad in the matter of 2 years so my tolerance for what other people are going through or what they deem important, really goes over my head. I’ve taken a step back and accepted that not everyone is meant to be in your life. Just say okay and move on. No reason to bend over backwards for people who won’t ever understand what’s going on in your head. Situations where I would respond, I just walk away from. It’s that certain level of growth I’ve achieved that I am so thankful for.
That bday growth, I think everyone has in their own way. When we decide to stop tolerating certain things and just live our best life. Not everything is meant to be addressed and not everything is meant to stay in your life forever. Accept it, grow and continue your life journey without those burdens.