Accepting My Accomplishments

Chatting with a couple of my groups about accepting your own accomplishments and I am noticing, we all don’t do that. Big or small we don’t consider everything an accomplishment because maybe they are expected of us already. Are we not allowed to celebrate wins in our lives, no matter how big or small? Are we not allowed to celebrate wins in our lives, no matter what they are? In some cases that’s why I feel so nonchalant about when I’ve achieved something.

I spent a lot of 2021 doing training and getting certifications for my job. I felt good about them because they would help elevate my career but at the same time, I felt like it was something expected of me. Kev you need to get this certification, it’s the only way you are going to move forward. Once I got it, that was just it. No parades, no celebration, just a document that said I’ve achieved something. Why can’t I celebrate myself? I am going to celebrate ME. Either it be by getting myself some food or just treating myself to a movie, I have to celebrate this accomplishment. I’ve remained focused, studied and pushed forward to advance myself in life. I deserve to celebrate ME. I mentioned to my groups that no matter big or small, celebrate everything about you. You have to because you will feel better about yourself and do more. 

It really is all a mental thing and keeping your balance. Celebrate the accomplishments that aided your growth and define you. Who cares what society thinks, don’t let a negative thought make you forget that you are number one. Your accomplishments matter.