Hello 2022

    So I am feeling fulfilled, positive, overwhelmed, centered and just already proud with myself. 2021 was another year of just accepting everything that came into my life and just pushing forward. I caught myself doubting certain situations but also just moving forward. I do have an issue with NOT seeing all my accomplishments as actual accomplishments but another step to achieving an overall goal. So I am never as excited about them as other people are.

    A lot of growth happened over the year for me. I’ve grown further in my career, closed on a home, proposed to the love of my life (still surprised she even loves me sometimes) and in the process of finalizing my fourth book. I didn’t do a lot of personal writing on my blog because I am a private person but I do like sharing. I feel like certain things like relationships you shouldn’t share too much of. People will always be happy for you but at the same time want to sabotage your happiness. I don’t have time for others sabotaging this added happiness to my life. Being happy alone is a great feeling but having someone add on to your happiness is a different feeling. High and lows, everything still flows and you guys are still happy. Her added existence to my life over this past year has made it clear for me that God always has a plan. No matter how low you are, he always has a plan. 

    I plan to do more in 2022 for myself and the main one is accepting more of my accomplishments as actual accomplishments. Another is to continue doing what I’ve been doing and removing negative energy from my life. I prefer to remain positive, even if faced with negativity. That phase of life where things would enter it and just weigh me down has long passed. I remove unnecessary things that don’t bring value. I am living life with the right people and the right mindset. Hope you all can enjoy these moments.