Author Archives: randomguykev

Everyone’s Watching

There is nowhere in life that people are not watching your movements. They are always observing the things you do, the way you fail, the way you move forward, your new endeavors, etc. No matter where you are in life, up or down, people will always wonder what you are doing to put yourself in a different place. Give people something to look at and keep pushing through because no matter what, as long as you are satisfied that’s the only thing that matters. Continue reading

Speak Your Goals into Existence

I started off the year by telling myself I was going to do more for myself. Do more to be happy, do more to continue setting up for my future, do more to remain positive and do more to set myself apart. I want to continue speaking my goals into existence no matter what those people say around me. We always get those people who look down on our goals or say they are not reachable but you don’t need an audience to do what you want to do. Continue reading

Life Journey 2018

Take this New Year to reflect on what needs to be left in your past and how to move forward. Your life journey is always changing and those involved with it are either in it or need to be left behind. We tend to forget that each day brings a chance to start fresh but it also gives us the chance to move on. Moving on has to be the hardest thing for a lot of us. We tend to hold on to the past and bring it into our current future. I speak on this a lot because carrying that dead weight around tends to hinder your growth. Growth is needed to move forward and to just live life. Continue reading

Fear of the Unknown

We never know what tomorrow brings but do we sit down and wait for it or continue moving forward? Waiting happens with certain things in life and doesn’t have to be with everything. Why can’t we just face our fear of the unknown and just accept it? Is it because of the pain or hurt that we once suffered that we allow it to judge our actions? Yeah most times. I think the fear of the unknown forces us to stay stagnant and not move forward. Continue reading