Author Archives: randomguykev


Going off my previous topic #HeyBestFriend from 2016. Click here to read more.

How time flies and things in your life just change drastically. You go from living a grand life to just living with a chip on your shoulder because you are trying to support the people around you but can’t. A conversation I had with one of my boys twice after we went through a similar experience (losing family members back to back). Basically talking about making sure we are good since we have to be good for everyone else. Talking about trying to be supportive for those people around us but no longer being able to just listen to people’s issues because we have our own. The way you use to be before a situation happens, changes after the situation happens. You just stop caring as much for what’s going on in others lives. You get lost in your own void of emotions and feelings, that you have no idea what to deal with. Continue reading

This Tea Though (4)

So let me tell ya something, if you plan to tell me a story of some sort expect me to provide guidance to my readers on the topic. I will never mention a name but at the same time I want people to understand that I get told a lot of things that have me confused. What is the longest you are willing to talk to someone with no title? Not title, no goals on moving forward together, just nothing. You guys are literally just talking and entertaining each other with no expectations. Pretty much fuck buddies in my opinion. Continue reading

Are We All Just Always Depressed?

Are we all just always depressed? Depressed about something random in our lives and the many different things that we are experiencing. I’ve been falling in and out of depression in my opinion. One minute I could be good and then someone brings something up, then I am down. I am depressed at times and people will never know only cause certain times my mind is somewhere else. People shouldn’t know only because I am a private person and I don’t need to share everything with social media. At times I find myself so lost in my job or hobbies that I forget that I was feeling a particular type of way earlier in the day. Continue reading

The Shutdown

What I’ve been trying to do is keep my mind moving and pushing forward. We all deal with death differently. I’ve written about this before and I try to remind people that not everyone deals with death the same. Crazy thing is, is that people assume that you are good and that life goes on the same way, but it really doesn’t. I live a life to where I can remain positive and just accept what enters and leaves my life. I believe I’ve come to this point after my dad died. Before I would kind of care about the moves of the people around me but I truly don’t care at this point. I shutdown and disappear to save myself. Continue reading