Category Archives: Being Yourself

Thankful Again

I cannot stress to people on how much you could honestly be thankful for. I spent 95% of 2018 just being thankful for everyone and everything around me. The other 5% I had my mental breakdowns, asking why this and why that but I feel like I was allowed those moments to just break down. It allowed me the time to really look at things and be thankful. Have you really sat down and appreciate everything that has been provided to you as of late?

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Everyone’s Watching

There is nowhere in life that people are not watching your movements. They are always observing the things you do, the way you fail, the way you move forward, your new endeavors, etc. No matter where you are in life, up or down, people will always wonder what you are doing to put yourself in a different place. Give people something to look at and keep pushing through because no matter what, as long as you are satisfied that’s the only thing that matters. Continue reading

Speak Your Goals into Existence

I started off the year by telling myself I was going to do more for myself. Do more to be happy, do more to continue setting up for my future, do more to remain positive and do more to set myself apart. I want to continue speaking my goals into existence no matter what those people say around me. We always get those people who look down on our goals or say they are not reachable but you don’t need an audience to do what you want to do. Continue reading

Love Yourself (Part 2)


It is so important to love yourself before jumping into a relationship. Sometimes your past relationship teaches you about things you should and shouldn’t do in your future relationships. I’ve always been a creature of habit and investing 100% into someone. The reason for this is that I don’t want someone to doubt how I feel about them. Not saying it’s a bad thing but a lot of people can’t deal with it. They go from one toxic relationship to a very healthy one and it’s like a dream for them.  I’m a 90’s R&B love kind of guy and always treat the person as they should be treated.                                                                                                                   
    The question you should ask someone is ,”are you really ready for a relationship?” The only reason why is because people love the idea of a relationship but don’t really want one. They haven’t healed from the damage or the hurt from the past before trying to jump into something new. Some people don’t like to be alone and this is why they get into it with people. 
    I was in a situationship with someone who I thought really wanted to be with me. She was completely mental after I really thought about all the things I did for her. Went 6 months with us doing couple like things and the moment I asked her to be my girlfriend she said ,” you asked me the wrong way.” Being that I don’t like asking things twice I didn’t ask again because it was just weird. She then kept asking me to ask her again, I replied ,”I don’t feel like you want to be in a relationship with me.” She said she did but her actions led me to believe different. A couple months later that came to be true. She just wanted someone to be around when she wasn’t at work. Yes, it was wasted time but I learned so much about what to do and what not to do when talking with someone. It reminded me to trust the process and know that everyone is not for you. To string someone along because you aren’t sure is never right.  If you can’t properly love yourself you shouldn’t even try to entertain someone.