Category Archives: Friends

Real People Vs Fake People

Today’s topic is Real people Vs Fake people

A fake person is the type of person who is all happy happy joy joy in front of your face one minute and the next minute there talking about you behind your back with someone else. For example, say you work with five people and you have that one person who is a complete bitch in the work environment. You think that she is cool with you and some of the other co-workers but she puts on a front so she can get closer to you, and then pushes you into the bottom of a well. I am a very observant and I tend to notice little things such as, when you are talking with someone and your all cool with them and their helping you out and then you turn around and come to me like “I don’t know why so and so acts this way and that way . . . Ima go tell management.” Are you serious? You’re a good actor but this isn’t movie so I definitely know who not to talk to about anything because you’re just a dishonest & disloyal person.

Fact: Fake people cannot be trusted with important information

A real person you can say is a person who is honest and you would kind of consider your ride or die person. Not saying that real people are not fake sometimes but there just not going to stab you in your back and keep hacking away so you have no more feeling in your back. Real people are usually straight forward, blunt and keep it how it is. Why lie when you can just say what’s on your mind about what needs to be said? An example of this would be you with your peoples, you guys just finished eating something amazing and okay your breathe is a little funky like you say “hi” to someone and they will pass out and real person would have said politely,” Yo your breathe is kind of funky I’m just informing you so you don’t get played by someone or hurt.” That’s a good friend and a real person. A fake person would have literally just let your breathe stink up the whole place and texted their friends like “Yo Kevin breathe is ROCCCKIN right now and this shit is funny watching him walk up to girls and them giving him the mean face.”

Fact: There are no 100 percent real people (I’ve come to realize that now)

Communication Goes 2 Ways(Topic Chosen By Mario W.)

Topic today is about communication and how people only assume it works one way instead of two.

Every time we are out and about its a habit for us to check our phones or our social networks to see who has sent us a message, but it gets frustrating when you send messages and the only time anyone ever responds or gets in contact with you is when you get in contact with them first.

For example, you always hit someone up maybe everyday and they never hit you up but one day you just don’t want to hit no one up and you get the message “so why you ain’t hit me up yet?” well maybe cause i shouldn’t feel obligated to hit you up all the time. People have to understand that communication is the key to success and that it goes both ways not just one way.

Another example of failed communication is that you always hit someone up via text, phone call or message and they never get back to you. They get mad at you though when you’reout with one of their friends and “supposedly” they weren’t invited. Well . . ..if you would have got back to me when i was contacting you like a stalker maybe you would have known. I feel that these type of people if you contact them 3-4 times and they don’t get back to you within a month(just because they might be busy) there numbers should be deleted and that takes up less space in your phone.

Word of advice to those who need it before getting mad at someone for not contacting you figure out how much they contacted you and how many times you never contacted them.

“I like you. Oh thats kool I like you as a friend too” WTF?!

Why is it bad to have a crush/like someone?

Have you ever been in one of those situations when you are feeling someone and your just telling yourself “I’m going to tell them how i feel” but when you do the whole thing blows up in your face? It happens to everyone don’t act like it doesn’t, you tell someone you like them and you get one of these responses:

1.I like you as a friend too
2.Awkward Silence
3.I’m not looking for anything serious right now
4.I’m not interested
5.Thanks for telling me
6.They completely change the subject

When you have a crush/like someone you’ll just start thinking bout them at random times of the day and when you see them sometimes you get tongue tied or just don’t know the right words to say to them (i know that happens to me). Bad thing about having a crush/liking someone is that sometimes they only see you as a friend and nothing more. 9 times out of 10 your the one getting hurt from telling them how you feel. 9 times out of 10 not telling them is just saving you from being burned by someone who may not deserve you at all.

You build up a crush for someone when your getting to know them. I’m not going to front I’ve gotten attached to people “I KNEW” where going to be like “Kevin your the best guy friend I have” or ” I’m not looking for anything serious right now.” This is where the “FRIENDCARD” gets thrown in ALLLLLLL the time. Especially if your crushing hard on someone and they notice and say something like :

1. I think your one of my coolest guy/girl Friend
2. I look at you like my little brother/little sister

Why is it bad to have a crush/like someone? Well . . .cause you usually never win and if you do win your that 1 out of 10 that does, I’m happy for you congratulations. Here is free complementary cookie =) have a nice day

Tomorrow’s Topic: “Taking Risks:Crushing 101”

The Ugly Friend (Topic Chosen by Munchy)

Why do girls have the ONE ugly friend?

Not ugly in the sense of beauty just ugly in the sense of there personality,how they come off , there attitude towards things.

The ONE ugly friend who stabs you in the back and acts like you guys are suppose to stay friends no matter what
The ONE ugly friend who tells you something isn’t cute on you and then turns around and buys it for themselves
The ONE ugly friend who deceive and lie to you right in front of your face and still want you to be there friends no matter what they say
The ONE ugly friend who manipulates the whole group so she can get her way
The ONE ugly friend who never wants to see anybody happy unless she is happy
The ONE ugly friend who thinks about herself and ONLY herself when it comes to any type of situation
The ONE ugly friend who see’s that your trying to get with a dude that she likes and she will make sure that it never happens.

So Why do you have that ONE ugly friend?

Is it cause she has always been there for you? Bullshit
Is it cause she helps you with different situations? Bullshit
Is it cause she gives you honest opinions about things? Bullshit
Is it cause she tells you the truth about EVERYTHING cause your homegirls? Bullshit
Is it cause she makes you feel better about who you are as a person? BULLLLSHIIITT!

There is no clear cut answer to why females have that ONE ugly friend maybe its because they feel insecure bout something or they just like having that one deceitful person close to them. Just one solution is that they need to get rid of them immediately or it could drastically hurt them in the long run.

Side Effects of Keeping that ONE ugly friend:
Guys approach you less often, Back pains, Constant Headaches, Irregular bleeding from your back, Avoidance by the General Public , Picking up the same Bad Habits and maybe in some cases loss of life

Remember these are just my thoughts on different topics but please ladies lose the Ugly friend ASAP

(Next Blog: Ugly _ “in between” _Attractive)