Sometimes we find ourselves at particular crossroads in our lives where we feel as though nothing is going right. Sometimes we converse with friends or family members to help us through these situations. Sometimes we allow others to break us down so we are never happy again, when we are suppose to define our own happiness. Is it human nature to allow others to break us or make us feel discouraged? Do we allow ourselves to be unhappy and take it out on the people around us?
I know a couple people that have let other people define their happiness. Like if they aren’t talking to someone, have a boyfriend/girlfriend or have someone that is always around to support them they feel as though there not happy at all. It’s like they need that cushion there just to know “Hey I will be alright, I have John here for me.” When in reality, you shouldn’t be allowing people to control how happy you are or happy you should be. I understand we do get happier when we have some people around but this shouldn’t have a general affect on how you feel and what you do in life. In most cases people who realize that they are letting others define their own happiness will push the people who care for them the most away. They push them away so they can work on being happy by themselves, but is that a good thing? People who constantly make time for you, that make you happy and are constantly there for you shouldn’t really be pushed away but in most cases they are. Sometimes they get the message and literally just fall all the way back from you never returning, and things never being the same again.
Point of the story is you define your own happiness, waiting for people to make you happy or rule how you feel shouldn’t be allowed.
“No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.“ – Barbara de Angeli