Category Archives: Life

Trip Tripping


Hello readers, as it is still January you should be planning your trips for the year. I think its great to plan trips especially if you plan trips with great people. When it comes to planning trips with people you always got to have some ground rules with some people. You can’t really go on vacation with people you don’t trust or you don’t like. It just makes things awkward. Maybe if you don’t like one person on the trip and are cool with the other person you can keep it cordial. Still that is a bit of a risk. You don’t want to be miserably on vacation when you are supposed to be enjoying yourself.
            Plan at least 5 different destinations (minimum) you want to go on for the year. No matter what they are, just plan 5 and if you make 2 of them you are still fine. The 5 destinations you want are locations where you will have the most fun and forget all of your troubles. You also definitely want some international trips where you have to use your passport. If you are not actively using your passport you are really missing out.
            The last part is deciding who you will go on these trips with. Honestly this is the hardest part because you can’t trust everyone when it comes to vacation time. You will definitely know who your friends are when you are on vacation. Money is always an issue especially if someone doesn’t have any but they want to go. You don’t want to go on vacation with someone that doesn’t have money. If you have to pay their entire way, then that is a problem. You don’t want this type of person with you. My friends and I have a system when it comes to stuff whether it be plane tickets, liquor, parties, food, etc. We all got each other and pay each other back no matter what. We don’t hound each other for money we have a system. If someone says they got the flight, the other person pays for the hotel. If something cost more then the other additional funds get transferred to the person or that money goes into buying the needed items when we land (food and/or liquor).  You will learn these lessons when you are traveling with the wrong people. When you travel with the wrong people you will know exactly the write people to travel with.
All in all, live your life and travel as much as possible. Try new things and experience the world before you can’t. You are the only one holding yourself back from trying new things. Be great, plan accordingly and live your life.
My 5 trips from last year are Miami, Las Vegas, Toronto, Las Vegas (Again) and Haiti. Each adventure has its own story that we will save for another time.
“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page

The Naturalist (Part 1)


I just want to give a quick shout out to those individuals who go natural and get a lot of shit for it. People hate change and when you change their view of you they will continue to hate you. From the outside looking in I feel that I have somewhat experienced this when my sister first started. My sister has been growing her hair for over 10 years now and loves it. When first starting something you always hear from irrelevant people and there annoying opinions.
So take a trip back to high school, 10th grade where this story begins. My sister decided to cut her hair not because she was following a trend, just because she had bad edges and her hair was falling out. She wanted to start fresh and see where it could take her. She literally started with a baldy and when she came to school the next day it all came in at once. The critics, opinions, rumors and just the people who weren’t use to change. My sister and I look a like a little bit but when she did that we literally looked like twins. The worst thing is that people look at you different when it comes to change. You are now considered ugly and not a good person at all for changing people’s view of you.  You are not going to talk about my sister in front of me, only I can do that. Through all the criticism she grew from it and continued being her.  The same people that talked bad about her are the same people who also became natural. Let me sip my tea though.
I think my love for people with natural hair has come from my sister and her journey. The journey was a struggle and now 10 years later she is still on it. Nothing ever comes easy but the journey to become natural and stay natural isn’t for everyone. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have any issues with individuals with un-natural hair; I am just giving those with natural hair a quick shout out. The hair discussion is a completely different topic that we won’t get into. No matter your hair situation and no matter what people say, as long as you continue to be you that is all that matters.
“If someone is strong enough to bring you down, show them you’re strong enough to get back up”

Life After College (Part 2)

Back to this life after college mess but lets discuss life after Grad/Law/Med School. Now that you are somewhat out of your undergraduate mentality (Click here for Part 1) and are aware that a bachelor’s degree means nothing, say hello to your new life. This new life consists of darkness, hating everyone, more debt and depression. Some people take a break right after undergrad to get there work experience and then pursue their next endeavor. While others go straight into it right after graduating from undergrad. No matter the route you go the hardest part to continuing your education is the initial application. This is not up for debate at all as some schools require you to have multiple prerequisites before they even accept you. Then even after you apply, they still might not accept you because you aren’t in the top 50 applicants or you don’t meet their idle person. Then you are stalking people to give you recommendations or finding a scholarship program to pay for your tuition, no matter what it is, this first step is the most stressful part.
Now that you have finally been accepted your life is somewhat over. Depending if you go full time or part time, no matter what your life is still over. Your time is mostly occupied with studying and making it through your classes. You have to change the bad study habits that you had in undergrad and make this paper (money). A lot of sacrifices have to be made to continue your education sometimes. You can’t focus on to many things at one time because this will feel like a job. Having to write 15-30 page papers on bullshit that you barely even know. That means most of your time is occupied by research. You know your professor might not read it but you don’t want to test if they won’t. So you spend your weekends (and most of your free time) researching and studying more stuff then you even need to, just so you cover everything. You lose track of days, you don’t remember what sleep is and what exactly are friends? When break finally hits you cherish it with everything in your being. Even though you still have something due when you get back from break. The reality of it all is that this second stage can either make you or break you. Some people give up while others continue right to the finish line.
No matter the route you go it still comes down to if you can find a career. For those in the medical field you have a couple more years of struggle till you will be getting paid like crazy but it will be worth it. For others now you might get to a place where you provide your resume and they say, “ You are over qualified for the position.” Nine times out of ten they just don’t want to pay you what you are worth. They would rather pay 3 people (at a lower rate) to do the job that you could possibly do by yourself. Now it’s all about the hustle and how well you can sell yourself to these hiring managers. Life during college and life after is a struggle, but no matter what you are going through it will always be worth it in the end.
“You have to struggle no matter where you are to get to where you’re going”

I Like You but I Don’t


Have you ever been in a situation where you are talking to someone or making new friends and you like them but you don’t? Everything they are doing is great but something inside you really doesn’t like them. Not saying you don’t like them but saying that you like them. It’s confusing honestly. I was in a situation with this chick a couple months ago. I genuinely liked her but I felt weird about it. When I feel weird about anything or think something is up I stop whatever I am doing and analyze the situation. Reviewing a situation helps you gather more information and helps you to make an informed decision. After further review of the play I told her “I like you but I don’t so we should just be associates.” The bad thing is I couldn’t even see myself being her friend; I really felt it was pointless. I said, “We should be associates.” Why entertain friendship with someone you are not sure about?
I like all my friends, that’s why I consider them my friends. When you have an in between feeling about someone then you should just let them go. It’s either you give 100% or you give nothing at all, no in between.  Was it mean what I said? Maybe but at least I wasn’t wasting her time. All we do in this day and age is waste peoples time that we can’t give back. I apologized for wasting her time but when I am asking myself to many questions about a person then it can’t work out on any level. This applies to a lot of things though. You can like something but you really don’t. Maybe you like the company or like how something makes you feel but do you really like it?
Maybe it’s because I over think situations that they turn out the way they do but its better to be safe then sorry. You can always tell someone you like them but will anything ever come out of it? It’s always good to get your feelings out and let them be known but your feelings will never give you a clear definition of what they mean. I like you but I don’t. I like you as a person but I don’t like the random tendencies you have. I like you and your randomness but I don’t like your personality. Sometimes you just have to be you and go with how you feel. You are the only one that knows what you like and don’t like.
“Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you”