Category Archives: Life
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Too Much Pride (Topic Suggested by Kie)
Pride is one of those things that everyone has no matter what. People take pride in things they do or what they put effort into, but sometimes pride can be damaging. When I’m referring to pride I’m referring to the pride you have with other individuals. Too much pride to take the first step or make the necessary moves that you need to, to get something done.
Pride is a good and bad thing but we have to know when it’s okay to be prideful and when it’s not okay. If it comes to the point of losing someone great in your life don’t do it. Just take the L and resolve the issue. Wake up and don’t let having too much pride bring you down. You are not always right, things can’t always go your way and your opinions are not law. People have feelings and should be heard. Too much pride will cause you to lose a lot of great people in your life and will inevitably make you the worse person to be around. Think before you act, and never let too much pride hold you back from seeing greatness enter your life.