Category Archives: Life

Friend Circles


I feel that “friend circles” is not addressed enough. People just have one big group of friends and just let them mix and mingle. Let us be real though, not everyone is your friend and not everyone can mix. So we create friend circles in the hope to separate the good, the bad and the ugly. “Friend circles” is another way of knowing who you can go to for certain things and who can’t you go to. Who is down for a trip and who will flake out at the last minute. “Friend circles” does not mean everyone is your friend, it just means that you just need to separate the relevant people from the irrelevant. People like to keep irrelevant people in their lives, the people that are available sometimes but bring you down and still want something in the end. These people are still around, so you keep them in a separate circle.
            I actually have a couple circles and they are: reliable friends, only party with friends, broke friends, cheap friends, successful friends, nosey friends and the “user” friends.  Its good to have these circles because you can distinguish who your real friends are. You cant trust everyone, so to set up “friend circles” will save you the time of knowing who to avoid and who to keep around. Why not just remove the irrelevant people from your life? Well sometimes you have to deal with those people on a regular and they say “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” If your not dealing with them on a regular tell them to keep it pushing.
            You can’t make everyone happy and not everyone is your friend but separating your groups will make life so much better. We tend to group people together just because we find it easy to manage this one large group. You should distinguish your “friends” from others because one person may belong in one group but not in another.
“A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world”


So I’ve been talking to a couple people as of late and they all seem to say the same thing. They feel as though they are “undeserving” of what is given to them. They just feel that if they are treated “good” that it is too much and they don’t deserve it at the moment. When did this mentality of feeling “undeserving” start? Is it because we allow ourselves to be treated like crap all the time that when we are finally treated well it’s the wrong thing? Or is it cause we feel that someone has another agenda that the only reason they are treating us this way is because they want something?
            This can go either way for guys and girls because I feel that if you are being treated a certain way for the first time its like brand new to you. If its something good, you sometimes feel that it is too good and that you are “undeserving” of it. We are never satisfied with what we have and when we finally receive what we want or more we think that we don’t deserve it. What has brought us to this way of thinking? We sometimes let our friends “talk” in our ears influencing our decisions on what we deserve and what is considered “someone running game.”
            The truth is that this generation is confused about what they want and will think that everything they receive they aren’t ready for or undeserving. No one gets to where they are by thinking they are undeserving or not ready. You always have to check yourself so that you never do things for undeserving people or it will become an endless loop of never being happy. Even though you define your own happiness sometimes we allow other people to affect how happy we really are.

Text/Call Me, Don’t Tweet Me!

We all do it, I’ve caught myself ignoring texts and I continue to tweet. We text someone and they sit there and tweet, before ever responding to us. We sit there like “wtf, did I do something wrong?” or “sooo this person is going to tweet before responding to me?” I think its because we have become comfortable with what society has accepted as the normal forms of communication.
I am guilty of this but I am really trying to do better when responding to people. When someone texts us or calls us we are quick to respond to them via twitter instead of contacting them back the way they contacted us.  Honestly twitter (or any social media) is not a legit form of communication, especially if you have the persons phone number. If you don’t have there contact information, that’s understandable. This generation will see that you text/call them and either send you a DM (direct message) or just tweet you, “Sup u called me?”
Does this make us less personal with the people around us? In a sense yes, especially if its people that you are close to. They may feel some type of way. You will tweet before responding to their text/call, that just shows where your priorities are. This generation is stuck on social media communication but don’t realize it is less personal and it is somewhat of a barrier. Think about this before you ignore a text/call and/or decide to tweet instead of text/call someone back. People may feel like you are ignoring them or have a problem with them if you decide to tweet (or do anything social media related) before contacting them. Everyone is free to do there own thing but see how it feels when it is done to you. Being ignored is not fun.

Too Much Pride (Topic Suggested by Kie)

Pride is one of those things that everyone has no matter what. People take pride in things they do or what they put effort into, but sometimes pride can be damaging. When I’m referring to pride I’m referring to the pride you have with other individuals.  Too much pride to take the first step or make the necessary moves that you need to, to get something done.

Sometimes we have those situations where we made a mistake and we know we are wrong but don’t want to own up to it. That’s when our pride kicks in. Our pride is just saying to us “I am not the type of person to apologize or admit when I am wrong.” If it’s going to hurt your friendship/relationship with someone wouldn’t you put your pride to the side for a moment? Having too much pride is just like saying “Oh I will wait for them to hit me up first because I don’t contact people first.” This usually results in both parties not hitting each other up and everyone getting mad because they have too much pride. When you are dealing with two people with too much pride, things don’t get resolved unless one person just puts it to the side and fixes it.

Pride is a good and bad thing but we have to know when it’s okay to be prideful and when it’s not okay. If it comes to the point of losing someone great in your life don’t do it. Just take the L and resolve the issue. Wake up and don’t let having too much pride bring you down. You are not always right, things can’t always go your way and your opinions are not law. People have feelings and should be heard. Too much pride will cause you to lose a lot of great people in your life and will inevitably make you the worse person to be around. Think before you act, and never let too much pride hold you back from seeing greatness enter your life.