Category Archives: Life


So as you may have already noticed a lot of my blogs go with each other in a sense. A lot of them usually just reference one part of a larger topic. This topic will be referencing a topic I talked about awhile. (“Communication Goes 2 Ways<-->Click to read this blog)

Communication is one of those things that a lot of people lack and fail to realize how important it is in everyday life. Things may go wrong if the right things aren’t communicated or made clear. I know I am not the only one that get the text messages or phone calls of people just saying “Hey why we don’t talk any more?” Why are you asking me this? I feel like if I am going to put effort into communicating with you, you should do the same.  
The reason I think we stop communicating with people is because we hate putting all the effort into something that should be shared 50/50. Communication goes 2 ways and should be treated as such. You communicate with whom you want to communicate with but next time you try to put a value on someone, check how much they communicate with you. Someone’s value greatly increases in my opinion when you factor in there communication ability. 

Are You Using Me?

As the title suggests, “Are you using me?” is a question that needs to be asked sometimes.  We should already be analyzing the situation and figuring out if someone is using us. Sometimes we try to see the good in people when realistically not everyone has good intentions.

You can easily pickup on stuff if people are not consistent with you. Consistency (click on the word to be sent to my blog about it) is one of those things that can’t go unnoticed. If someone has a routine that they do for you, you will pick up on it. If they don’t do it one or two times you will think to yourself, “what’s going on?” When you do one or two good deeds for someone they always want to keep you around because they know you are dependable. Sometimes it gets to the point where they constantly ask you to do stuff for them just because that’s the type of person you are. Have you have ever just asked someone “are you using me?” If you feel like things are not being reciprocated or in the sense being returned in the same way maybe you should.
We all have that gut feeling where we are treating someone good but the things we are doing for him/her are not appreciated. People sometimes fail to appreciate the good things you do for them and if they continue to use you without appreciating your greatness, maybe they are using you. People can still appreciate you and still use you at the same time but you have to be able to have a cut off point. Ask yourself before you do anything else, “Is this person using me?”


As each day goes by we tend to look past the people who are in our lives. Sometimes we just don’t appreciate how much someone does for us or how little others appreciate us. Do you ever just tell people how much you appreciate them in your life? Think about at least 5 people whom you can honestly say has made a difference in your life and not once have you thanked them for it. Also, think about the people that you go out your way for but they still treat you like you do nothing at all for them.

They say you never truly appreciate something until it’s gone and when its gone, it’s gone for good. We all have those one or two people in our lives that no matter what is going on they will drop what they are doing just to help us. They never expect anything back from it; they just want to make sure everything is okay with you. These genuine people are part of a rare breed that are selfless and just care. 

Sometimes just saying “I appreciate you in my life” goes farther then you know for the people you care about. When someone greatly influences your life (in a positive way) it’s never good to push them away, you should be pushing them closer to you. People tend to regret the individuals they push out of their lives but the only way some people truly appreciate things is when they completely disappear out of their lives.

Appreciate the people who appreciate you and never let something good slip out of reach.

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it. “ ~Ralph Marston

Sabotage (Part 2)

            The second part of this topic is basically going to touch on how the people around you can sabotage you. The minute you let someone into your business they will either hurt it and think they are helping or hurt it because they want to hurt it. It’s cool to tell people stuff that is going on in your life but if they aren’t able to keep there opinions, comments and nosy self out of your business then things tend to crumble around you.

             You can say you like someone to one of your friends but maybe your friend likes that person too and makes quick moves to squash that. “Yeah I hear they just like to have sex and keep it moving, they don’t want a relationship.” It could be the littlest thing that could damage something. Once you let people in they, 8 times out of 10, sabotage something good and you end up regretting your moves.

            Friends can sabotage your relationships more then you think. They can always provide you with negative advice that would make you second-guess why you are happy. Not everyone is for you; they will intentionally sabotage you because they don’t want you to be happy. Sabotaging your happiness is what people love to do, so be observant and listen to yourself before you listen to someone else.