Category Archives: Life

Sabotage (Part 1)

Hey hope everyone is enjoying 2012 as it is almost over. Today’s topic I am referencing Wale’s song “Sabotage.” Basically it’s talking about something that is going good but the person sabotages it because they pretty much are not use to it. Also it talks about other people who you let into your relationship that try to destroy it.
First I would like to touch on people who genuinely have someone who want to treat him/her well but they end up destroying it because they are not use to it. They think they are not deserving of what ever is presented to them when in reality they deserve all of what they are getting. I know people who just sabotage the mess out of their relationship because they say, “oh he/she is treating me really well and I feel like I need to start something because this is not real.” Yes people do this and when the person backs off or moves on with life their next statement is, “All guys/girls ain’t shit.” Wait . . . .What?! You are not serious right now because you definitely destroyed something good you had going on.
People think they are “undeserving” and think that if something is going well for them then it shouldn’t be happening at all.  Who gave us this mind frame? Who made us start thinking this? When we start saying “ Yeah I feel like I am undeserving of these things that him/her is doing for me,” you will start to believe it and eventually destroy everything around you. Negative thoughts breed negative results.

The Chase

Hey everyone another topic that I have been talking with a couple of my friends about is “The Chase.” You should already know what I am referring to. You meet someone new, they kind of peek your interest and so you want to know more about them. So the chase begins. . . .

You run thru hoops to get to know them better, get them to notice you more and just do things to impress them. A month or so has passed and you feel like you are still chasing them. You don’t know if they are interested in you but you know you are interested in them. So now what? You’ve told them how you want to move forward but they are unsure about how they want to move forward. Now what? You can tell if someone is interested in you or not, it really isn’t rocket science.

Everything in your life is a lesson, everything is presented to you in different ways so you can learn from it. If someone really wants you, then they won’t let you chase them for that long. They will actually walk beside you and develop something with you. You have to figure out if people are WORTH the chase. Sometimes you have to fight for a spot in someones life but if you don’t see a place being made for you, its just time to move on and live life. “I’m not saying I don’t want you, cause believe me, I do. I’m just not going to chase after you.”

Brand New

It is August, so that means the summer is officially over. Now it’s just time to reflect back on the new people you have met, the ones you already know but they acted like they didn’t know you and time to get your phone contact back to normal. This topic is about people who act “Brand New” when they see you. Like they never had a conversation with you or saw you before.

We all have twitter, facebook, instagram etc. Some type of social media that allows us to make new friends all across the world. We may never see some of these people in person but we do have casual conversations with them sometimes. When you do see someone for the 1st time face to face and not via a social network, what is the first thing you do? Maybe walk up to them and say hi right? Some people are really not that confident about being the first to walk up to someone. Yes sometimes I have caught myself saying hi to people who aren’t the ones I have little chats with but it’s part of life. Honestly, some people don’t look like their pictures. (Thank you instagram for the false advertisement)  So I understand if some people are afraid to say hi sometimes.

Sometimes though people know exactly how you look and just refuse to acknowledge you like they have never met you before. So why is this person acting “brand new”? Who knows. Sometimes you just have to not think about it so much. The same people who act “brand new” are the same people who will reach out to you later when something that involves you come up. We just have to remember that the people we meet via social networks don’t come across the same when you meet them in person.

Never Settle . . .

Hey Hey, I hope everyone is enjoying the summer as much as I am.

Today’s topic is about settling, in general just settling for anything. We all know people who settle for anything just because they no longer want to put any effort into things or they feel this is the best thing they can get. Sometimes we have to remind people to value themselves better and to know they are worth so much more then what they settle for. Knowing your worth will make it easier for you to never settle for the wrong things.

When it comes to relationships people tend to just accept whatever is presented to them without really thinking “hey maybe I shouldn’t just settle.” I have a couple friends who just settle or just stay around just because they feel they can’t get anything better then what they have now. If you keep that mentality then of course you get anything better. Just because bad things happen to you doesn’t mean settling is your only option. This generation fails to attack challenges head on, we prefer things handed to us on a silver platter. We always try to find an easy way out and settling without attacking the challenge is never a good thing.

Think about this, you determine your worth by what you “just settle” for. They say,”sometimes you have to forget what you want and remember what you deserve.” Never under value yourself and never settle, just because.