Category Archives: Life

Good Morning!

Hey sorry for the delay in a new topic, just focused on other things but I’m back on it.

Lost in my thoughts, I always find my self sending random texts of inspiration to people. Either thanking them for being in my life, just giving them something great to wake up to or just something to get them through the day. You really never know what someone is going through so its better to just send them something to brighten their day. A good morning phone call or text goes a long way for some people who are never use to them. It’s always great to know someone is thinking about you when they wake up.

A good morning text is me putting a lot of effort into something I really don’t have to send you but I choose to be that one light at the end of the tunnel for someone. When you get that text and your like “why the fuck is this person waking me up” first say to yourself “dam someone really cares enough about me this early in the morning to send me a message.” Not everyone deserves a good morning message but the ones that get it you just have to cherish the little things.

I would have to say I am a cornball and when one of my friends sends me a morning text, something inspirational or thanking me for one I cheese really hard at my phone. You have to learn to appreciate the little things, so when the big things happen you will cherish them.

“A morning text doesn’t only mean “good morning.” It also means “I think about you when I wake up””

Sense Of Style

    You remember when you where younger and you just got up your parents dressed you or they just put out the clothes that you could wear for the day? Please don’t act like your parents never dressed you because I can count the number of girls that came to school with the different colored barrettes in there hair and wore the dresses that looked like they where going to a wedding. The guys who always had to wear there shirts inside there pants and there pants being pulled halfway up to there stomach so you would see the outline of there socks. (Michael Jackson style)
    I feel after those crazy moments that we decided to create our own sense of style. We get to high school and peoples values to stand out and be different or look a like changed. They started reading fashion blogs; make up blogs, and going to fashion websites just to get started on what they wanted to wear. If you look at Lil Wayne or Kanye West you can see there sense of style has changed dramatically. They want to stand out and be different but at the same time, they want people to take notice and follow the trend.
    Once we hit college that is really the chance some of us get to reinvent ourselves and create this sense of style that we always wanted. Some people will get rid of there high school style and create there college style. You are surrounded by new people, new environment so why not create something new. At each stage of our life I feel that the sense of style we have is constantly changed by something we see and how mature we become. Instead of wearing a white tee and sneakers everywhere, we changed to a button up, tie and some nice shoes. If your sense of style has really changed you won’t conform or thirst on what everyone is doing, you will create your own thing and wing it from there.
   Remember, your sense of style is something you create from your creative mind, if someone says they don’t like it, respect their opinion and tell them to fall in a hole. You are the artist and whatever you create is what YOU create, the more they judge the more they want to be like you.

Check out these two other websites is pretty much a Facebook for fashion, which allows you to mix and match your different styles. You can also see other people’s styles to create new things. “Our main purpose is to show the power of fashion and how the little details of it can describe us as individuals. We want you to look at fashion through your own eyes and no one else’s.”

The Smile

What is the first thing you notice whenever you approach someone? Me personally I will notice there smile. Not everyone has a genuine smile and from that you can learn a lot about someone. I would have to say I am the BIGGEST sucker for a pretty girl with a gorgeous smile. Why? Just because I feel that is the most beautiful feature you can have besides your eyes. Your smile defines what kind of person you are. A smile tells a million stories and the one it wants to tell you can vary on the type of person smiling at you.

Smiles have their own little story depending on the person. They say that “No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through the tears.” As humans we tend to go through a lot of issues and if we are able to come out of those situations happy and with a smile, then we have overcome extreme hardship. To be able to put on a smile after something depressing or heartbreaking shows the strength behind your smile. That’s why each smile has its own story to tell.

If you are like me sometimes we just smile at the little things just because. I will walk somewhere and think of something just randomly stupid and start smiling. How about that text you get from that special someone and you start smiling at your phone? People then assume you’re crazy because you’re smiling at your phone. You see your crush and you give them the koolaid smile and then try to play it off like you weren’t looking. We all have our moments, and our smiles tell our stories.

“Always remember to be happy because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile.”

So Much Things To Say

You ever have so much to say but really didn’t know how to say them? (Based the title off of a Lauryn Hill song)You just wish someone would just figure out the thoughts you were thinking and just be like “okay I understand what you’re saying.” People always have regrets of not saying what’s on their minds; instead they let those moments pass them by. Life is filled with mistakes and challenges, we have to be able to just stand firm on our two feet and say what’s on our minds.

People constantly bite there tongue on what they truly want to say to others because they fear the consequences. Why fear the consequences when everything in life is all about taking risks and taking chances? Nothing you do will ever be right, but the wrong decisions could always lead you to making the right ones later. Personally I always use to bite my tongue and never say what was on my mind, which never got me anywhere. Now though, I say how I actually feel. It’s all about saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Once you get something off your chest you feel as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulder. Whether saying something idiotic or speaking your mind, it’s better to get it out then hold it in. You have to experience the random things in life, if you don’t then are you really living? You have so much things to say . . .just say them.

“Half of life is fucking up – the other half is dealing with it.”