Category Archives: Life


Lately I’ve been confused on what is considered beautiful to a lot of people and why do people kill themselves to look better to impress others.

According to, beautiful is defined “having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc; delighting the sense or mind.”

If “having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc” isn’t a straight forward answer I don’t know what is. To me this means you have to consider many factors instead of just one. They say beauty is in the eye of beholder but is it really? You can only look at something for so long before it is no longer beautiful and if you are basing beauty off of looks then there are a million things wrong with that. It may be 1 factor but should not be the only factor you consider. What brings out a person’s true beauty is really what’s in thier heart and how they come off. Like Kanye West said “The prettiest people do the ugliest things.”

When you start to let others determine if YOU ARE beautiful then that’s a big problem. One example of this is when one person says something about someone else. A lot of people are becoming more self-concise of their appearance and looking for people’s approval. The only approval you need is from yourself to know that you are a very beautiful person. Love yourself; stop caring what others think about you.

Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. ~ Sophia Loren

Women Are Not To Be Compared

One of the worst things a guy can do is compare a woman to another. No matter if it is his friend, sister, mom, girlfriend or wife. This is like an automatic death sentence for guys but we still do it anyway, even though we know the repercussions. 

I promise you women remember EVERYTHING you say, so don’t be quick to blurt out something without thinking about it. For example, “Dam baby, your macaroni & cheese is slamming but it’s not as good as my ex-girlfriends but you up there though.” This just means you want your spine ripped out and the rest of your body buried in the backyard somewhere. Women HATE when you compare them to another girl especially an ex that they don’t EVER EVER want to hear about. Ninety-Seven percent of them will keep their composure and tell you what it is, in a nice way, but that other three percent you better hope there not a Caribbean/African female because you will not hear the end of it till your either 1. Broken up or 2. Dead. Women are very vengeful even though they act like they are not; they are VERY vengeful and will make you pay.

A lot of the conversations usually pan out the same way

Guy: You remind me of Sarodj Bertin, very beautiful and elegant

Girl: Don’t compare me to that (bitch, whore, skank, slut, tramp, etc.) you choose the word that best fits in there. Even if she don’t really know the chick, it will be ON and POPPIN

9 times out of 10 a lot of females don’t care who you’re comparing them to, they rather NOT be compared no matter how beautiful the person is.

The “Chameleon” (Topic Suggested By Teresa)

In regards to this topic let me explain my definition of the “chameleon.” When I am talking about a chameleon I am not talking about the lizard I am talking about, “a changeable, fickle, or inconstant person.”(Webster’s Dictionary) We all know those types of people in our lives where they wear a mask and let something else define them besides being a first rate version of themselves. You know those people who join a group or get a title and let that specific thing DEFINE who they are. So they change who they once were to be part of this group and obtain this title but not sticking to their beliefs that they once had in the beginning. It is like saying,” Hi I am Susan, the regular citizen that believes that everyone should be treated equally no matter if there male or female.” Then you wanting to join group XYZ that can elevate your level in society and open a whole network of possibilities but they only believe women not men should be running the world. Then you say “Hi I am Susan, part of group XYZ and I think women should be treated differently just because we bare children.” Just because you join a group you shouldn’t allow their views to change who you are.

One of those many great examples I got from one of my readers was that people who think that a group can up their status in society and make them a completely new person. Say John wanted to join this prominent group of business men, who make money, get the girls and are always in the limelight. Although John is not a ladies’ man, he doesn’t make a lot of money and is usually a loner, he thinks that being in this group he will change from John the Loner Loser into John the Business Man. NO John you will stay the same but will be known as John the Loner Loser Business Man.

“It is not worth an intelligent man’s time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that.”

Being Yourself: “You Do Too Much”

Another day another topic to discuss with people and see what they think about it. You ever have those people in your life that do just “TOOOOOO” much. Instead of just taking that extra step, they go an extra mile just because. I get told I do too much sometimes in the sense of helping people and making sure they are happy. Is this bad? I don’t think so, it’s just me being myself and assisting others just because they needed help. To some people doing too much annoys them, just because literally you’re always going that extra mile to make sure everything is okay. Sometimes though you get those people who say “Yo you do too much just stop.” That’s pretty much just telling you to tone down what you do or just stop doing it all together. When someone says that what do you do?

You have to realize it isn’t an off and on switch, and that without most of these people going that extra mile you wouldn’t be able to do most of the things you do on a regular. This is an experiment I did maybe a month or so ago where I just stopped doing “too” much and worried about myself. It was about a 1-2 week experience because of 6 people telling me I do “too” much and that I needed to stop so I did. The outcome of this experiment is that I was a jerk; I didn’t care to listen to anyone’s problems, I was worried about me and me alone, I didn’t care about what anyone was going through or their feelings, I wasn’t at all supportive on peoples endeavors and communication with people was dead to me. Ten times out of ten people regret what they say especially if the changes affect them and they are not use to it.

Moral of this story is just be yourself, if people start to think that your doing “too” much is a problem stop for awhile and see how they feel about it. It’s more so how you feel about it than them. You can’t change who you are just because people say things just learn to accept who you are and BE YOURSELF!!