Lately I’ve been confused on what is considered beautiful to a lot of people and why do people kill themselves to look better to impress others.
According to, beautiful is defined “having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc; delighting the sense or mind.”
If “having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc” isn’t a straight forward answer I don’t know what is. To me this means you have to consider many factors instead of just one. They say beauty is in the eye of beholder but is it really? You can only look at something for so long before it is no longer beautiful and if you are basing beauty off of looks then there are a million things wrong with that. It may be 1 factor but should not be the only factor you consider. What brings out a person’s true beauty is really what’s in thier heart and how they come off. Like Kanye West said “The prettiest people do the ugliest things.”
When you start to let others determine if YOU ARE beautiful then that’s a big problem. One example of this is when one person says something about someone else. A lot of people are becoming more self-concise of their appearance and looking for people’s approval. The only approval you need is from yourself to know that you are a very beautiful person. Love yourself; stop caring what others think about you.
Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. ~ Sophia Loren