So as I talk to a lot of my friends lately I like to just txt, bbm or call people and see how everything is going just to catch up. Sometimes you have to make that push to actually see how people are doing. There are times when you are just sitting there and just think to yourself “I wonder how Allyson is doing?” So you pick up your phone and just hit that person up to find out “WHATSUP!?” Sometimes you have to take the initiative to show people “hey I care, I am here if you need me,” but sometimes there is those people who know you care a whole lot and just try to push you away. No matter what situation you are going through, they will sit there and talk to you about it, and then try to push you away. This is when you just stop, think about this and say to yourself “they don’t need my help with this” and keep doing you. Eventually they will realize you have reached your limit and don’t care anymore about what they are going through.
To notice when someone has reached their limit about caring what’s going on in your life, is all in their actions. Sometimes you get those over-caring people (I know a couple of these) that no matter HOW HARD you push them away they will continue to be there no matter what. They will call, txt, bbm, fb message you, or show up at your door to make sure everything is going good and that no one is messing with you. Me personally at times if I see one of my friends down and out and tell them straight up ,” who am I gonna have to cut?” just cause sometimes you have to say those things. As long as people know you are there they will never try and push you away.
If it gets to the point though when you give advice after advice after advice to the same person about the same issue and they keep doing the same thing no matter WHAT, then you have reached your limit. You always hear that voice in the back of your head that’s just like “I know you are not going to listen to me so I don’t care anymore.” Life in itself is a million different challenges, you can either face them with help or alone. Just know that people have their limits when it comes to certain things.
Live. Laugh. Love.