Category Archives: Life

Caring To Much, Has Its Limits

So as I talk to a lot of my friends lately I like to just txt, bbm or call people and see how everything is going just to catch up. Sometimes you have to make that push to actually see how people are doing. There are times when you are just sitting there and just think to yourself “I wonder how Allyson is doing?” So you pick up your phone and just hit that person up to find out “WHATSUP!?” Sometimes you have to take the initiative to show people “hey I care, I am here if you need me,” but sometimes there is those people who know you care a whole lot and just try to push you away. No matter what situation you are going through, they will sit there and talk to you about it, and then try to push you away. This is when you just stop, think about this and say to yourself “they don’t need my help with this” and keep doing you. Eventually they will realize you have reached your limit and don’t care anymore about what they are going through.

To notice when someone has reached their limit about caring what’s going on in your life, is all in their actions. Sometimes you get those over-caring people (I know a couple of these) that no matter HOW HARD you push them away they will continue to be there no matter what. They will call, txt, bbm, fb message you, or show up at your door to make sure everything is going good and that no one is messing with you. Me personally at times if I see one of my friends down and out and tell them straight up ,” who am I gonna have to cut?” just cause sometimes you have to say those things. As long as people know you are there they will never try and push you away.

If it gets to the point though when you give advice after advice after advice to the same person about the same issue and they keep doing the same thing no matter WHAT, then you have reached your limit. You always hear that voice in the back of your head that’s just like “I know you are not going to listen to me so I don’t care anymore.” Life in itself is a million different challenges, you can either face them with help or alone. Just know that people have their limits when it comes to certain things.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Parents,We Gotta Love Them

It’s been a GOOOOOOD minute since I wrote something but I have been preoccupied with school and work, you know how that is. Today’s topic is about “PARENTS” point, blank, period. We gotta love them no matter what problems we are going through they are always there to support you. Through your stupidity, car accidents, a breakup, rough time with friends, school, just whatever the case maybe your parents are always there.

Within the Haitian culture some people don’t understand that our parents are very clingy to us, as we are growing up. They want us to be either doctors, nurses, lawyers, an athlete or something with computers. That is just FACT, if you are not in those fields you will not be successful. Every step of your growth your parents are there, they try to pick and choose your friends for you. They don’t want bad influences that will change the positive directions that you are going in. They always try to make sure you are eating healthy and always know when you are losing weight, I mean ALWAYS. My sister is turning out like my mom and it’s horrible to see, because last year her and my mom would tell me that all the time. “Kevin you look skinnier then usual did you eat?” or “Kevin your face is looking real thin are you okay?” You just are, “like leave me alone” but your parents just know you. When I use to bring my friends over my mom would give them all food and they would tell me all the time “Yo I love this Haitian cooking, ask your mom if she can make lunch for me for work.” At my job now I use to buy lunch from the work cafeteria, but not anymore my mom makes me food for work. That’s a Haitian parent for you; it’s not that I can’t get my own food it’s just that you have to understand it’s our culture. Parents care for their kids and always want to be there for them. I would say Haitian and African parents are the same very strict and very clingy but that just means they love you so be happy to have them. Be thankful that you have both your parents and that they are there supporting you. Haitian parents will gladly embarrass you in public and not care who is around. They will blow up your phone a million times after 11pm just because they don’t know your whereabouts and think you are dead. Just know if you are the male you are safe but the female not so much. There was a time that my car died on me on the parkway at 1 in the morning, I called 5 of my friends who lived close and they were all “busy”. So I called my dad and of course he was there at the drop of a dime. You gotta love your parents no matter what because they always love you back.

You ever just sit there and think, “How many different bills my parents pay?” No you haven’t because sometimes they are paying everything for you. You are sitting there, paying your cell phone bill living the high life, while your parents pay for everything else. Your car insurance, car payments, mortgage, cable, internet, food, utilities and whatever else they are paying for. Have you ever just said thank you or helped or just like “you guys are the greatest, thanks for the support.” You can’t take your parents for granted and the more you take them for granted the less time for you to say thank you and really mean it. Time never stops and it continues to move, your parents are there for you to learn from so take those 2 seconds whenever you are with them to give them something in return and try to benefit from there teachings.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Worst Ways to Break-Up With Someone

So I was talking with my co-worker and we were sitting here talking about how people should just break up with each other if they are not interested. Be 100 percent forward so there is less collateral damage. In some cases we have witnessed break-ups and they have been UGLY especially done in the wrong venue or just in the wrong way.

5. In a place where there is a lot of people
In a public place you think you are safe and nothing out of the ordinary will happen. Sometimes people just like to create a scene so everyone feels bad for them. I have witnessed one of these and I thought it was hilarious to be honest. The chick had a mental break down and the dude all he could do was stand there and look stupid. One of his friends probably told him it would be safe doing that but that definitely was not safe for him in this case. You don’t know what goes through people’s mind when they just enjoyed sometime with you and you tell them it’s over.

4. During the Middle of a Date
This would kind of go into the same category as public but at the same time not. You guys are having a wonderful dinner, just came from the movies and are having a beautiful walk on the beach when those words come out of his/her mouth. “I think we should just be friends” . . . . . Your whole body freezes and you are just like why? We just had the best night ever and after this wonderful night you are telling me you want to be friends. If they spent money on you the whole night and thought it was great, then you end up breaking up with them in the middle of the date how you think they are going to feel? You might have to walk home, just think about it before you do it.

3. Through Another Person
Sometimes we think this is good, when we did this when we were younger. NOW though you can’t do this because your friends will feel some type of way and will get the full brunt of the fury of the other person. Just think about the repercussions for your friends and for yourself if your friend gets upset over this.

2. Facebook Relationship Status/Wall Post
This I feel is soooooooo bad and horrible because for someone to find out this way is very hurtful. EVERYONE else in the FB world finds out before you and you’re still sitting there thinking you still go with that person when you actually don’t. You significant other changes their status and you’re like “OMG WTF!?” and there like oh yeah we don’t go out anymore. You are just like when did we talk about this. The way technology is moving we think it’s so easy to change relationship statuses at the drop of a dime. This is very tacky and only a bitch would do this, so for those who have broken up with people through facebook guess what you are. . . .

1. Text Messages
This right here has to be the lowest blow you can give to someone, this right here really means you didn’t care at all about their feelings or what you guys have been through. Okay I know sometimes (all the time) we have our phones with us and we are texting away no matter how far some people are instead of calling them we have full length conversations with them through text messages instead of just calling them. Just texting someone “ I think this is over we can still be friends though” is a horrible message to send someone.

Personally it’s funny as hell to see how people get broken up with especially if it’s in some weird ass way instead of directly. Just be careful how you do it because people will stalk you if you didn’t end it with them correctly.

H-A-T-E-R-S part2 “Why do haters exist?”

As we wake up every day we sometimes wake up with a twitch, not a normal twitch but the twitch you know that someone is hating on you. Some people get frustrated over these people and always ask themselves “Why do haters exist?” There are a million reasons why haters exist but you literally have to sit there and say it aloud to yourself “WHY DO HATERS EXIST?”

Haters exist mainly for the purpose of bringing you down as an individual and holding you back from growing. As stated before by Jamel V “A hater can bring you down, often making you question yourself and wonder if the things they are saying about you are true. They make you wonder yourself worth and value while often stopping you from being on your game.” They thrive off of your despair and your sadness.

You can always turn this into a positive thing like I do and remake the definition of “WHY DO HATERS EXIST?” These “haters” exist to make you feel better about yourself; they are here to push you forward because you know someone is watching you and “LIKE” what you are doing. They wish they could do it themselves but they are not as talented so they encourage you to do better by trying to make you feel bad about how things are turning out. These people are that personal fan club you wanted all along but you don’t realize it unless you are thinking positive about it.

When asking yourself “WHY DO HATERS EXIST?” Just tell yourself they exist because everyone needs a cheering section. They ARE your personal cheering section to motivate you to continue to do better then them in every aspect of life. Don’t get down because someone gives you negative responses, there just pushing you to better yourself in every aspect of your life.