Good day all, today’s topic will be about “haters” this is part 1 provided by us by my good friend Jamel sooooo enjoy . . .
Jamel V.
Hater is defined as the following:
– to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward;.
– to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.
– to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
The definition of a hater in today’s society is somebody who follows all of these definitions. In addition, they are people who smile in your face, lie with their teeth, and have no problem bad mouthing you behind your back. They’re the kind of people that embrace negativity, especially towards you. They want nothing but bad things for you and wish bad “ju-ju” upon you in all levels, including relationships, jobs, and other opportunities.
A hater can do one of two things. A hater can bring you down, often making you question yourself and wonder if the things they are saying about you are true. They make you wonder your self worth and value while often stopping you from being on your game. They are often the voice that you hear in your head as you begin to move forward but often move backwards because of doubt and uncertainty that these candy-asses possess. They thrive off this unknown given power to them.
For me, haters give me ammunition. If I’m pissing people off and making them mad because I’m doing something with my life, that’s a good thing. For me, I’m not somebody who is physical and causes bodily harm to others. I’m a person whose actions speak louder than my words. I love to mentally mess with my haters because no matter what they say to me, the fact that I eat, sleep, and breathe success, the fact that I’m moving higher and not at the half step level that they’re at, and the fact that I’m Jamel Vanderburg and they’re not makes them a bunch of no good scum sucking bastards. I have far better things to do with my time than to be concerned with people’s comments and actions that make turd markings look like hieroglyphics and something to actually care about.
Bottom line: haters motivate. Don’t let them bring you down, but elevate you to where you wanna be, have to be, and need to be. I go by this motto: At the end of the day, I’ll always win because while you’re stuck in the past and stuck in a parasitic world, I’m soaring with the eagles and crapping on your negativity in all ways. HA-HA!!!