Category Archives: Life


Dear Happiness,

Thank you for the people in my life and the ability to see a new day. I never show enough appreciation for the people in my life but I try. I am happy because I am not the same person I was yesterday. Thank You.

Always Happy,
Kevin Pierre

So my non-profit (@levofoundation) has a social media campaign that we have been sharing with people called 365 Days of Happiness. The purpose is to help uplift people and give them a reason to be happy. I always say that you define your own happiness but with everything that is going on in the world, it makes you more depressed then happy. So our goal is to share that happiness that you have with other people.

Think about all the good that is happening in your life compared to the bad and just be thankful that it it isn’t all bad. Even the little things should make you happy and move you forward. We tend to forget that every day is a new day to find something new to be happy about. If we allow sadness and depression to rule our lives, how will we ever accomplish anything? Sometimes we have to be able to share our own happiness with others so they can stay positive and keep pushing forward.

Wake up knowing that today is another day to be great, share your happiness, love as deeply as possible and be thankful for all the wonderful people in your life. Life is so unexpected its better to live it with a smile.

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have”

Dear Black Queens

Dear Black Queens,
Its not that we don’t love you, society just doesn’t know how to love you. Society can say what they want about you but we know the truth. The truth is you are undervalued, underestimated and unappreciated in a world that barely understands your greatness. Only used for your physical attributes of rump shaking and sexual pleasures. Society not really exploring the Queens intellect that educates supports and loves those that want nothing to do with her.
To my Black Queens, that support my drive and ambitions as a black man, I want to say thank you. You may not hear it enough from me but I love you. We may have our ups and downs but I still appreciate you in my life.
To my Black Queens, I want to say thank you. You may not hear it enough but WE love you. Even when society hates us and throws us under the bus, you still are around. Loving us, supporting us and providing us with the necessary energy to keep us moving forward. That love is forever appreciated and much needed.
To my Black Queens who are educated, driven, outspoken, supportive, classy and all around beautiful I want to say thank you. Thank you for not letting society define who you are. You are what the world needs so keep being the beautiful Queens you are.
Kevin Pierre

The Weekly Reset

So we all have our bad weeks or our bad months and just sometimes need a reset. Not in the sense that your deleting that experience from your life, more so you are starting the week in a positive way. Last week was really bad for me, whatever you want to call really bad. My friend was diagnosed with cancer, other friends mom died, had an allergic reaction, lost a lot of friends, social life is in the shitter and had to purchase a new phone at full retail. All those things may not seem bad but I won’t go into detail about it. I am just letting you know that this stuff happened to me last week and this is a new week. New week brings new energy and positive vibes.

When Monday hits I like to send a mass text message to a couple of people with positive energy. We all should start our week knowing that this week will be different the the previous one. If you can’t refresh yourself on a Monday and start a new then whats the point? I enjoy life with the greatest people and I try to smile at everything. It’s all about smiling and being great. Yes not everything is going the way you want it to but life is always going to get better. I never regret any decision I make during the previous week I just learn from every situation and try to do better.

What I am saying is to continue creating your memories and keep being positive. Every week is a new week to be better and do great things. You never want to regret the things you did the previous week. I had a bad week but I have moved on (weekly reset). New week, new me and positive vibes. To busy loving the person I’m becoming and loving the people that are around me. Laugh at everything and just enjoy life.

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live”

Trip Tripping: Vegas MDW 2015

Hey readers so I am going to give you a run down of my trip to Vegas Memorial Day weekend. Before reading this maybe take a look at my initial blog topic about trip planning (Click here – Trip Tripping)

A Vegas trip is expensive but gets very expensive on particular holidays, memorial day weekend being one of them. I try to tell everyone to plan ahead of time especially for special weekends like this. I’ve been to Vegas on a really regular weekend and on event weekends, they are 100% different.

My Observations**

Vegas Special Weekend (Holiday, Fight Weekends, etcs.)
Party prices increase**
Hotel prices increase**

It’s always good to book your flights and hotel early but it’s also good to purchase pre-sale tickets for parties. I say this for guy’s mostly because the price difference for guys and girls is extremely different. For females they literally can get into most places to free if they are cute, have a group of girls and sometimes if they know the promoter. Depending on the event they may actually have to pay but it may be like $5 – $60.

So I will give you a quick run down of my trip and what I did.

Hotel: The Cromwell
Most of the hotels in Vegas have their own clubs and are like mini malls. The Cromwell being one of the newer hotels on the strips has the Drias Beachclub, Nightclub and After-hour spot. Each one of these is supposedly free for hotel guests but we ran into a couple issues with them regarding this. The Cromwell looks nice but its a new hotel so don’t expect to much from it. I would suggest trying something more seasoned like the Venetian, The Mirage or the MGM. I personally would give the Cromwell another year before it’s even as decent as these other hotels.

Parties: Day and Night
So that everyone is aware it’s all about the day parties and then going to the night parties. You won’t have a great experience if you only go to the night parties. Day parties that we hit where Wet Republic (Steve Aoki), Palms (French Montana) and Tao Beach (Fabolous Party). The pool parties where definitely amazing. Steve Aoki scared the mess out of me when he threw a big ass cake in someones face but it was a great experience. Wet Republic and Rehab are definite spots you go to Vegas, even if you just go to one you need to go for the experience. The Palms and Tao where definitely fun because we had cabanas/daybeds and had a great group of people with us.

The night experience is different because they have so much going on. No matter which you go to you will have a lot of fun. Drias nightclub and Tao nightclub treated us really well. As they are very big and can support a lot of people. The price for guys is crazy but we got that handled with Drias management. We actually went to the Chris Brown party our last night in Vegas and that had to be bananas. Certain parties of course they won’t let females in for free because they are normally the only ones that would come in large clusters. That price was $60 for them and $175 for guys. Trust me I did not pay that.

Quick Advice
 As I stated in my initial blog about taking trips please follow these steps when you are taking a turn up trip

  • Travel with people who have money.
  • Travel with people who are trying to have fun.
  • Throw a bottle or 2 in your check in bag.
  • Buy a gallon of water when you touch down.
  • Trust the people you are with.