Category Archives: Loyalty

Why Do People Cheat In Relationships? (Topic Chosen By Crystaline R.)

Today’s topic is something that is becoming common among a lot of people today in relationships. I am talking about those who are in relationships and cheat on the other person they are with. What is so wrong in your relationship that you have to cheat on the other person? Why can’t you just break up with the person you are with first then get with whoever you want? Why stay in the relationship and hurt the other person just because you still have feelings for them?
There are a million questions you can ask these people but most likely there answer will be “I don’t know.” Some might not have a clear definite answer to this question, so once again “WHY DO PEOPLE CHEAT IN RELATIONSHIPS?!”

Top 4 reasons people cheat in relationships:
1. Boredom: They ‘re tired of being with the same person after so long they want something new
2. The Rush: They like the RUSH of keeping secrets and the risk of almost getting caught it gets there adrenaline pumping
3. Revenge: They cheated on you so you cheat on them
4. You allow them to: The person forgives you . . .this just shows that your allowing them to get away with it so they’re going to keep doing it

For those who cheat instead of messing with the persons head why don’t you just break up? Seriously . . . that’s my question for you “WHY DON’T YOU JUST BREAK UP WITH THEM?” Instead of keeping the relationship going just break up, end it and go with the next person that you wanted? Just remember that you get what you ask for. As Tyler Perry applied in his movie “Why Did I Get Married?” this is when the 80/20 rule comes into effect

“The 80/20 Rule is simple. In a healthy relationship, you get about 80 per cent of what you need/want from your partner. They are caring, respectful and share a lot of the same interests as you, but then you meet someone who catches your attention for an unknown reason. It may well be because they fulfill the missing 20 per cent in your relationship – namely the sexual component. Because that 20 per cent has been missing for so long, you quickly conclude, “Hey, this person has everything I am looking for in a partner.” This can be a relationship killer. Since you jump genitals-first for this new interest, you may have given up your 80 per cent loving partner for a 20 per cent fling. The regret automatically sets in.”

In long relationships people assume that they’re not getting enough from the relationship and always jump on the next ship that comes into port but why do that when you may have the BEST thing that ever happened to you? People cheat for the dumbest reason’s all we can do is live and learn from the experience. No matter what it seems like, everyone will get cheated on at one point in life and what you do from there is up to you.

Tyler Perry “Why Did I get Married?”

Real People Vs Fake People

Today’s topic is Real people Vs Fake people

A fake person is the type of person who is all happy happy joy joy in front of your face one minute and the next minute there talking about you behind your back with someone else. For example, say you work with five people and you have that one person who is a complete bitch in the work environment. You think that she is cool with you and some of the other co-workers but she puts on a front so she can get closer to you, and then pushes you into the bottom of a well. I am a very observant and I tend to notice little things such as, when you are talking with someone and your all cool with them and their helping you out and then you turn around and come to me like “I don’t know why so and so acts this way and that way . . . Ima go tell management.” Are you serious? You’re a good actor but this isn’t movie so I definitely know who not to talk to about anything because you’re just a dishonest & disloyal person.

Fact: Fake people cannot be trusted with important information

A real person you can say is a person who is honest and you would kind of consider your ride or die person. Not saying that real people are not fake sometimes but there just not going to stab you in your back and keep hacking away so you have no more feeling in your back. Real people are usually straight forward, blunt and keep it how it is. Why lie when you can just say what’s on your mind about what needs to be said? An example of this would be you with your peoples, you guys just finished eating something amazing and okay your breathe is a little funky like you say “hi” to someone and they will pass out and real person would have said politely,” Yo your breathe is kind of funky I’m just informing you so you don’t get played by someone or hurt.” That’s a good friend and a real person. A fake person would have literally just let your breathe stink up the whole place and texted their friends like “Yo Kevin breathe is ROCCCKIN right now and this shit is funny watching him walk up to girls and them giving him the mean face.”

Fact: There are no 100 percent real people (I’ve come to realize that now)