Category Archives: New Friends

Friend Circles


I feel that “friend circles” is not addressed enough. People just have one big group of friends and just let them mix and mingle. Let us be real though, not everyone is your friend and not everyone can mix. So we create friend circles in the hope to separate the good, the bad and the ugly. “Friend circles” is another way of knowing who you can go to for certain things and who can’t you go to. Who is down for a trip and who will flake out at the last minute. “Friend circles” does not mean everyone is your friend, it just means that you just need to separate the relevant people from the irrelevant. People like to keep irrelevant people in their lives, the people that are available sometimes but bring you down and still want something in the end. These people are still around, so you keep them in a separate circle.
            I actually have a couple circles and they are: reliable friends, only party with friends, broke friends, cheap friends, successful friends, nosey friends and the “user” friends.  Its good to have these circles because you can distinguish who your real friends are. You cant trust everyone, so to set up “friend circles” will save you the time of knowing who to avoid and who to keep around. Why not just remove the irrelevant people from your life? Well sometimes you have to deal with those people on a regular and they say “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” If your not dealing with them on a regular tell them to keep it pushing.
            You can’t make everyone happy and not everyone is your friend but separating your groups will make life so much better. We tend to group people together just because we find it easy to manage this one large group. You should distinguish your “friends” from others because one person may belong in one group but not in another.
“A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world”

Seasonal Friends

You ever meet those people that just want to be in your life “sometimes” or just temporarily want you around? Lets just call these people “Seasonal Friends.” Just like the seasons they don’t stay very long. In the beginning everything is great but eventually you guys just drift apart. Sometimes it may be a lack of communication or just people moving on and didn’t want to take you with them (vice versa).

We all get that random calltext from someone we haven’t spoken to in a minute that’s like, “we use to chilltalk all the time, what happened?” Sometimes life happens and there was nothing to keep us together. Sometimes though it comes down to the effort people want to put into the friendships. It always comes back to investing time in something for it to grow and it has to be done by both parties never just one. If you want a temporary person in your life then go for it but I feel that it’s a waste of time to have a “seasonal” person in your life. We all deal with seasonal people in our lives till we actually find the people who are there to stay. We tend to forget people always judge us on the people we surround ourselves with.
            If you feel that someone just wants to be around for a season it’s always good to let them go now instead of later.  We are quick to call people we have a good time with “friends” but do they really deserve that title?

Why Can’t We Just Be Friends?


We all do it, its all part of life and how we meet new people.
But, why do people think just because we are talking to them and trying to get there information we are trying to “GET WITH THEM?” Why can’t we just get your information just because we find you intriguing and a good person to talk to.

We don’t necessarily have to be trying to get with you when we ask for your phone number, we are just trying to connect with people who have a similar thought process as us or people who peak our interest.

Guys Point of View: (My Opinion)
Okay as a guy sometimes we do just try and get your numbers to see if we can get your numbers and see what comes out of it but other times we just like having a female friend to just talk to about random things and/or for advice so why can’t we just be friends? Sometimes females already assume just because we are guys we can’t be looking for female friends and thats clearly wrong.

Girl Point of View: (My Opinion)
Straight to the point females think all guys think a like and only want one thing from them no matter how they come off. If a dude walks up to a chick on some friendship type stuff females will look at you like “are you gay?” or “I’m not looking for another male friend.” Females are on there toes for anyway a dude tries to get at them because they don’t want to get played, be somebodies side chick or just dont want to be taken on a ride and left out on the side.

Why can’t I just walk up to you, introduce myself, get your information and just be friends? Why does it have to be more then that everytime I approach you? As I sit here and look at my friends I realize I lost a couple decent ones just because they “assumed” I was trying to get with them but they need to ask themselves “Why Can’t We Just Be Friends?”

(Next Blog: The Ugly Friend)