Category Archives: New Year New Me

7 Things You Need To Do For 2011 (Step Your Life UP!!)

Happy New Years to all, I hope everyone had a safe holiday and a great New Years Eve. Well my first topic of the New Year is pretty much self explanatory, “Step your life up in 2011.” For those who don’t understand let me put this into perspective for you. The things you did in 2010 you are going to have to “change up” what you do because trust me, people either hate it or you just need to build off of it and make it better. A list of things that people need to start doing as we go into 2011 is:

1. If your facebook name is Shaquana “MyShitIsGood” Smith or Tim “IWannaBeInYou” Thomas or Samantha “CumGetIt” Davids or MydickbIG Keith . . . if it is referring to any type of sexual thing please stop, you are not 12 years old anymore and this isn’t MySpace. If you want to do that shit go back to high school, recreate your MySpace and do it.

2. Appreciate the people around you; they exist for a reason. Try to reconnect with certain people who have great qualities and aren’t holding you back. Those people who haven’t been doing anything with their lives since 2006, sad to say cut them off and move on.

3. Don’t post your whole life on facebook/twitter for the world to see, and then you wonder why people are all in your business. Stop updating your status every 2 seconds with stupid shit like “I’m going to the mall to get some new panties for my sexy night with my man,” “Oh shit I just got into a car accident ima post a picture in a second,” “This chick that hit me got a fake Gucci bag, I can tell from the symbols on it #KanyeShrug”. . . STOP IT, just stop we don’t care.

4. Communication goes 2 ways if you haven’t heard from someone in awhile maybe you should hit them up and see how there life is going. 

5. You can’t be nice to everyone time to set the ground rules and tell people to go fuck themselves, especially if they “need” you for something. This is how people take advantage of you tell them to go . . . . kill themselves 🙂

6. Stop the high school games when it comes to a relationship, its either you want the person or you don’t. Time is wasted when you play games all the time and people hate it with a passion grow up and be thankful someone is interested in you.

7. Be honest to yourself and build on you before trying to build on someone else. The person that needs the most work is you, if you can’t define who you are as a person; don’t let someone else do it. YOU have to be happy before you can make someone else happy.

That is pretty much it, the 7 things you need to do to step your life up in 2011. Please, Please, PLEASE! Call, text, bbm, IM a couple people and just say thank you for being there and I appreciate you in my life. That is all I ask this will be a stepping stone year for everyone I hope you enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Live, Laugh, Love