Category Archives: Random Thought

Good Guy Vs Bad Guy Vs Good Girl Vs Bad Girl Part#1

What is a Good Guy?
Everyone always sits around wondering why there never able to find that right person for them. When there with a Good Guy or Good Girl they always want somebody a little bit more “bad ass” so to speak. When there with a Bad Guy or Bad Girl they always want somebody a little nicer that cares more about them. “Oh man why can’t I ever get a good guy?” or ” Why can’t I ever find that good girl?” In these next couple post I will invite some of my friends to give me some of there thoughts on what they think each one of these are.

Kevin Pierre
A good guy I believe is a respectable person who respects women in all aspects of life. If a women is being respectful to you and being upfront with you as a gentlemen you should do the same and not treat her like she is a toy to be played with. A good guy never degrades a female and makes her feel like she is worth a billion dollars. He always makes her feel like she is the queen of the ball no matter what situation. A good guy is a person you can tell all your secrets to and he won’t judge you no matter what. A good guy has standards and will never just settle for any type of chick. Good guy always carries himself well and lives up to the morals that he was taught by his parents. Good guy always goes there extra mile to impress you and always wants to see a smile on your face.

MsHumphreyI think as we grow up, our definition of a good guy changes. As the years go by we go through the shoulda, coulda, wouldas, the heartbreaks, and what we thought we wanted. I’ve reached a point of what I need and what I deserve. So when I think of a good guy, I think, of a man that is spiritual, not religious; there’s a difference. I want a guy who Is financially stable and responsible. Knows how to have a good time that doesn’t always involve, cursing, drinking and definitely not smoking. I want a man who isn’t a mama’s boy, but respects his mother as he would want any man to respect me. And last, but not least, someone who knows how to hold their own and be a man whether it be in public at a dinner with clients, more intimate house party with my friends, or just one on one with me. Know something, talk about something, and don’t just fade to black.

MrSmoovA good guy is a gentlemen that respects women for who they are and what they are destine to become. Being a good guys is developed by learning what it takes to become a man that set forth goals and acts on his beliefs. A good guy will treat all women nothing less than him self, learn to accept that person as they are, keep his pride and provide pride and motivation to any female, and also be the man he was brought up to be.

A good guy in my opinion is a genuine man. A guy who tips extra at restaurants just because. Someone who you can bring home and puts a smile on your moms face. A good guy is honest about who he is and stands by his word.

Everyone defines a good guy as something different, but when your looking for something maybe you should stop talking bout it and actually go for it . . .

Tomorrows Topic: Good Guy Vs Bad Guy Vs Good Girl Vs Bad Girl Part#2: What is a Good Girl?

If you want to put your 2 sense in for the next topics (What is a good girl?What is a bad guy?What is a good guy?) Email me at [email protected]


What If. . . .

As we grow and go through life we always have those “What If” situations and then we wonder to ourselves “What if” i would have made this decision or “What if” i would have done this differently . . .this is just my thoughts on my “What If” situation . . .

I wake up everyday thinking “Wow this is going to be a beautiful day”
I go through my daily motions and always come across a crush or female friend and just stand there in a daze of lost thoughts . . . .

“What if i would have told you what was on my mind?”
“What if i told you that you where a great person to talk to?”
“What if i could have just stopped you and just taken you away from all your problems”
“What if i would have told you that you meant the world to me?”
“What if i told you your smile stops me dead in my tracks?”
“What if i would have hugged you tighter then I usually did?”
“What if i told you how much I liked being around you and how much you made me smile?”
“What if i told you I daydream about you all the time?”
“What if i told you that my feelings for you are out of this world?”
“What if i would have just spoken up and just said what i was thinking? Would that have made a difference at all?”

I then continue my daily routine as usual just keeping that “What If” statement in the back of my mind hoping that one day, maybe, i have the strength to tell you with out anything holding me back how i feel about you.

(Next Blog: Why Can’t We Just Be Friends?)