I feel like when people mess up they always want a do over or to take back what they said like it never happened. People never realize that the damage is already done and nothing else can be said or done to fix it. Like if you tell someone you no longer want to be friends with them and then weeks later you say, “I was just playing though, let’s be friends” just because you miss them. People always tend to
regret when they make a mistake or a rash decision. You have to remind yourself that once something is said or done the effects can be extremely damaging. The effects can be good as well, if you are the type of person that doesn’t care about the repercussions.
One of my friends was in a situation where her best friend slandered her behind her back, to a random stranger. Like I get that you need to vent sometimes, but why to someone you don’t know? Then she tried to be buddy buddy with her in person. Come to find out the person she was venting to, was a friend of her so called “best friend” and told her what was up. When she was confronted about it, she acted like it didn’t happen. Once things are said you can’t take them back. My advice is to never say things to people you really don’t know. People are all about gossip and drama. Can’t trust everyone in this world.
Another situation I’ve witnessed is when someone asks you out, girlfriend/boyfriend, don’t you assume they are ready for the responsibilities that come with the situation? I feel like that’s a huge commitment you are getting into and you should know once that happens, anything you say or do will be used in a court of law. I know people who get into relationships with the coolest people just to say,”nah I don’t think I am ready for a relationship but we can still be friends though.” Then a couple weeks later regret it and try to come back. No take backs people. Once things are said the WHOLE situation between you and them changes. You can’t say something now, let it settle in and then take it back because you were confused or it was a mistake. What’s done is done. Just saying sorry will not fix the issue or make it go back to how it use to be. I really dislike people when they think just by saying sorry will fix any situation. In this generation we
break up with people in the worst ways and don’t realize we can’t take what we did back. It’s out there, too late to recall a message sent. It’s up to us to enforce this “no take back” policy. If you accept the fact that people have come back after doing something harmful to you, they will continue doing it. Nothing is ever okay and you should make them aware of that.
Words and actions can hurt. It’s what we say or do that determines how we will move forward. You are living your life in pen and can’t erase any of the mistakes you have made.
“Words are like bullets. Once they are out, you can’t control the damage they do.”