This thought just comes from everything going on in the world. No matter what color you are, where you come from, your religious or cultural background we are all just human. We are all trying to survive in a world that all of us live on. Nothing should be dividing us but it seems that something always is. I always respect people’s opinions but sometimes do you think logically? Do you think as a human? Can you even be human? Continue reading
What Is Your Escape?
What is your escape? I would consider an escape a place or something you do to get away from the world. We all need “our” own time to escape. Like those hobbies you get lost in to clear your mind and that keep you level. Where it is painting, writing, creating, meditating or just living. Your escape should be something you don’t care if people judge you about. It’s something you like, it helps you clear your head and gets you away from those negative/stressful things around you. Continue reading
The Weekly Reset (Part 2)
The weekly reset is where all that negative energy that you received in your past week you don’t bring it into a new week. You start your new week off with positive energy and good food. You try to turn those negative things into something positive and continue to hold your head up as best as you can. Sometimes though we are so burden with negative things that we get stuck carrying those negative things into a new week and allowing it to build up. Continue reading
Randomly Living Vlog #3
My cousins wedding and me being a groomsman