Wedding Season

So personally I don’t mind going to weddings, I absolutely enjoy them. I grew up going to weddings with my dad (wedding photographer) so I find them entertaining. If I go by myself its cool, if I go with someone else I am still going to have fun. I think wedding season is when everyone decides to get married at the same time with no respect for your schedule. That’s how you know you are in wedding season. I’ve truthfully been to 3 of 5 weddings the past couple months and that’s a bad track record. Better than most people in my opinion but it’s not like I didn’t try to go to all of them.
One wedding I absolutely forgot about honestly because I had another wedding in Georgia to go to a couple weeks later and thought his was after it. Completely my fault. This other wedding though I told her I forgot but I really didn’t. She wasn’t having an open bar so I made a presidential decision not to go. Call me petty but I went to a wedding the day before with an open bar and she wasn’t going to have an open bar so something in my spirit told me not to go. Of course I sent her a nice card with words of wisdom, love and inspiration but I am not killing myself for a long ceremony with no open bar. Open bars are essential at weddings and this is not up for debate. People also over think the gifts for the bride and groom but I just say give them cash because they are going to need it. Give them money and let them buy their own things. Keep it simple so they can’t talk shit about you later when they open their wedding gift. 
Wedding season is always a joyous occasion but make sure you mark these weddings down on a calendar. If you have to be reminded about the wedding by the bride or groom you are a horrible person like me. You can send me all the invitations in the world but if you don’t send me a meeting invite most times I will forget. I am still trying to get certain things in my adult life right but just being able to enjoy wedding season is always entertaining. Enter wedding season knowing that you can’t please everyone and you are just here to enjoy another person’s moment with them.

Can I Get a Text Back?

Talking to my friend about dating in your 20s and realizing that it’s so miserable is extremely funny. Your early 20s you don’t really care, your mid 20s you think you still have time and then your late 20s you try to rush things without thinking them through. All in all we are just waiting for a simple text back from someone to show us some type of interest. We send that initial message and hope for something back in a timely fashion. Then we see them tweet, post pics on Instagram/facebook and snapchat something corny without them responding back to our text message. 
When dating in your 20s the initial communication thing is something we hope would be consistent and eventually realize it doesn’t remain that way. Sometimes you have to ask someone, “can I get a text back?” Are you really worth a response back though? Yes you might be worth a response back but not at this moment. Yes we are glued to our phones but sometimes we become preoccupied with other things. That’s not an excuse but we are so confused with our 20s that everything is so undefined. Then when you hit your late 20s you are still trying to figure out life but rush things. You feel like you wasted so much time not defining things and then you hit your early 30s and are against the clock. You will never be at a point in your life where everything is defined. Sometimes getting to a better spot is actually responding back to that random text and defining if you even want to text back. If you are like me my response is normally, “ delete my number but follow me on Instagram though.” You can’t entertain every response you get but you should define where you want it to go. Building something with someone takes time but time is always moving. Risks are taken so you can learn what you should accept and what you shouldn’t.
Honestly I am one of those people who receives text messages, look at them and mentally respond. Then I think about it later like ,”why didn’t this person text me back yet” and realize I didn’t respond back. I believe that you shouldn’t hit someone back if they haven’t hit you back. It’s like a back and forth thing but when it just goes in one direction you need to stop yourself and go on about life. Yes pride gets in the way but if you become that person to always initiate the conversation people will always expect that from you. We are a generation that fails at communication but we have to get better at defining what we want with these people in our lives. Time is forever moving forward and it won’t stop for anyone.


As cuffing season approaches, prepare your inbox for one of those random messages from someone you haven’t heard from since the beginning of nice weather season. Cuffing season I would say starts at the end of September into October after those #HeyBigHead or #HeyStranger texts come through after labor day. After labor day you have a good 2 to 3 weeks to find your picks leading up to draft week (last week of September). Once this week approaches it’s time to pick your final player(s) and go into cuffing season hoping for the best. 
Cuffing season has become a routine for some people that don’t really want to be alone. They have someone for the fall and winter but once spring comes around, “It’s not you it’s me, I think we need a break.” Then it’s back to living wild and free. If that is what you are looking for go ahead and be great but I am definitely not one of those people that’s here for it. Since I announced my book I’ve received multiple #HeyBigHead messages and it was definitely unexpected. I am honestly clueless at times so I am responding like, “okay I have a big head, what about that dusty ass rug on your head that needs a lot of coconut oil?” I mean don’t come for me if I didn’t send for you is my policy. Then I would get messages from people I haven’t spoken to in years and it would just be useless chit chat. “Great hearing from you but go ahead, delete my number from your phone and move on with your life. Follow me on Instagram though.”
Too old to be stuck in these seasonal activities and dealing with people. I feel when you get to a certain age some of this stuff should no longer apply to you. If you aren’t able to be with someone through any season then that shows your lack of maturity and growth as an individual. No one needs seasonal people in their lives and if you are just going to show up and waste someone’s time, just leave now. Life is constantly changing and you have to be able to change with it.

How Do You Feel?

I have been picking up what’s left of this year and trying to make it end on a positive note. You can start in a negative space but you always have to end with something positive. I’ve been trying to keep to myself but I know that isn’t healthy at all. For the first 5-6 months of the year I struggled with getting outside the house. I’d personally rather stay in and not go out. It’s not that I was depressed it was more so I didn’t want to deal with people. People pushing views on how I should be living, what I should be doing and how I should be feeling. No matter what is happening people always seem to inject their views on you and not just let you live for you.
How do you feel? This is a real question that I was asked. Not are you okay? It was a genuine how do you feel?  I feel that life is getting better and that I am getting better. When I was asked this it was like a total shock. I didn’t really know how to answer it, it’s different then asking someone, “Hey are you okay?” I am not okay, why do you think I am okay? That made me reconsider connecting with the people around me and getting better. Sometimes people don’t know what to say but sometimes one person can fix the door to allow others back in. 
Now I find myself trying to enjoy life once again and just heal. Reconnecting with old friends, establishing new friendships, getting new hobbies and just smiling as much as possible. People see me going out but it really is for me to enjoy life for Kevin and no one else. We tend to forget that we are the drivers in our journey through life and that others are the passengers along for the ride. The moment they become backseat drivers to steer you in the wrong direction, you have to kick them out the car. If they can’t give you the necessary tools so you can keep driving your own life then they shouldn’t be along for the ride.