Good Morning! (Part 2)

Good Morning to those who never receive a good morning. I think everyone in some way or form should receive words of encouragement and inspiration for the week. As I always say “you never know what someone is going through” so for you to just say, “I hope you have a great day” makes people feel good. For as long as some people have known me I’ve always sent positive words to people around me. I like being a positive person no matter what is going on around me. Every day is a struggle but I have to keep moving forward or I would be stuck in my misery. 
Every Monday I send out a positive message to people I know for the week. I am always asked, “Hey can you add my friend to your Monday morning messages.” I don’t mind as I feel that everyone should get a positive message for the week. During the week you may have many ups and downs but it’s always how you start your week that will determine how your week will end. If you can start your week with positive energy and vibes, then no matter what you are going through you can definitely get passed it. We all experience moments of despair but the weekly reset needs to happen so you can get back on track. Everything takes time but it will happen. 
Each week is a time for you to reflect and become better then the person you saw in the mirror last week. The “good morning” text sometimes is all the push you need to keep moving forward and not be stuck in a bad place. Start your week with happiness, love in your heart and energy to achieve your goals.
“Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday.”
*If you want to be added to my Monday Morning Messages please shoot me an email [email protected] w/your preferred method of receiving the message (via email or text message)

Before You Ask . . .

Honestly before you ask me if I am okay you should think about these couple things. I grew up with my sister and saw her everyday. We graduated high school together (Class of 2006) and she made high school tolerable for me. I honestly didn’t like 71.4% of the people I went to school with. I was extremely odd and weird but that is what makes me different. Yes we still lived at home with our parents because in some cultures they don’t kick you out until you find your place and get married. I would wake up in the morning (5 AM), piss her off by waking her up and say good morning. Throughout the day we would text random ass videos to each other, laugh and talk shit about each other. She had me create 2 Spotify playlists for her and keep them up to date, since we pretty much liked the same type of music. I paid for my Spotify but she had the free one and just subscribed to my playlist. She was included in my positive Monday morning texts, which she sent to some of her friends. She encouraged me to continue writing my blog because she felt it was real and gave people a relatable person. 
Now think about this, I can no longer see my sister everyday. Our 10 year high school reunion is coming up and do you think I want to go without her? Every morning I wake up and I pass an empty lifeless room. I randomly wait for a text from her but nothing comes in. I no longer listen to 2 of the 3 Spotify playlists I have. I haven’t sent a positive Monday morning text in weeks because I haven’t been positive. I still write my blog as it is easier for me to write my thoughts then speak them. Yes everyday I cry for my sister, while I’m at work, when I’m in the car, when I’m home and wherever I go. People say it will get better but when something unexpected happens to your sibling what gets better about it? When you have someone that’s an intricate part of your life no longer involved in it, life isn’t the same. At the moment I am fine but the next moment I could slip into a memory of her or something may trigger a thought about her and I will just be emotional. People ask me if they could do anything for me and my response will always be, “Can you bring my sister back?” If not, then please don’t ask the question.
Before you ask me if I am okay, I know it’s the nice thing to do but I will never be okay. Life has unexpectedly changed for me and I will try my best to keep moving forward. 
“Life is a series of unexplained events, unplanned laughter, unexpected tears, occasional sorrows and overwhelming joy.” – Susan Gale

A Letter To My Sister

Dear Ketsy,
I wanted to say no matter what that you are still bald headed, ugly and have no edges but I still love you. For the past week I’ve heard from so many of your friends and the people you interacted with in your life and I am happy to call you my sister. Being raised to network and accept everyone no matter what was a great trait that you had. Even though you liked to copy what I was doing we had the same mindset when making sure everyone around us was happy before we were happy. The worst part about caring about others before yourself is that you can’t win every battle. Every battle you’re not meant to win. I’ll have my moment to escape but I have to make sure everyone else is good. That is exactly what you would want me to do. 
Everyone misses you and I let them know to just to live life as much as possible. I’ll keep in touch with your bald headed best friends and those people you took as your friends. Those people that searched for a dark place to go to but you took them out of it. Those people that thought they had no one but you just popped up and said, “I am here for you.” I know it will take everyone some time to get adjusted to the fact that you aren’t here but I will make sure no one forgets you. When you would scream “Hey Sis” or “Bestfriend” you annoyed me so much. Steal my food when I clearly had it labeled “Kevin – DON’T TOUCH.” I am trying to figure out how I am going to move on without my twin but I have too. You know me, I am the strong one in the family and I’ll see you again. I can’t even send you my Monday morning motivational texts anymore. I am no Rev Run but you know it was all about staying positive and telling everyone how much you appreciate them in your life. 
We won’t forget you and your friends won’t forget you. I am happy you listened to my philosophy of just laughing as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. I know you enjoyed life and life enjoyed you. I will see you when it’s my time. I love you.
With Love From Your Brother,

Things You Should Work On In 2016

Another year has passed and have you accomplished everything you wanted to in 2015? I would have to say I did a lot of things on my bucket list and a couple unexpected things. Another year to make those things a lot better and to improve on myself as an individual. It’s all about growing and doing things different then what I did in the previous year. Becoming a lot better then the person I was yesterday.

Be Positive
We all tend to think that all the bad that is happening in the world will continue to happen. Don’t allow the negative energy of this world to corrupt your happiness. Things always work out for the better no matter what. Think about all the things that keep you happy and moving forward. Today negative energy will not influence my life. Tomorrow negative energy will remain out my life. Just be positive and love the life you live.

Motivate Yourself
We all look for motivation from others but you should just look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I want to be better then this person in front of me.” You always want to be your own competition no matter what. That other person you are watching won’t always be available to provide you motivation but you will, so keep pushing forward.

Delete Dead Weight
Time and time again I say you have to get rid of toxic people from your life. If you don’t they will forever bring you down and consume your life with negative energy. Remove people from your life who aren’t relevant. Keep it cordial but make them aware that you are no longer dealing with the BS they are bringing to the table.

React Differently 
People always expect us to react a certain way when situations happen. Just stop, listen, analyze and react differently. Reacting the same way and achieving the same results should tell you if what you are doing good or bad. When we react differently then we achieve different results, so think outside the box. Be different and do something different.

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today”