Category Archives: Life

Trial & Error

The craziest thing about life is that it’s all trial and error. We are living every moment learning, making mistakes and trying again. Nothing we do will ever be right because we are just living. Life has its ups and downs but there is no right way to live it. Talking to some people I know, who recently contemplated removing themselves from this world, we need to stop thinking that we aren’t doing enough. 

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Hello 2022

    So I am feeling fulfilled, positive, overwhelmed, centered and just already proud with myself. 2021 was another year of just accepting everything that came into my life and just pushing forward. I caught myself doubting certain situations but also just moving forward. I do have an issue with NOT seeing all my accomplishments as actual accomplishments but another step to achieving an overall goal. So I am never as excited about them as other people are.

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My Head Hurts

I’ve talked about this a number of times but the fact that overthinking situations can ruin your current mood, makes my head hurt so much. Your mind starts playing tricks with you and it’s never anything good, it’s always something negative. When you start thinking, you can easily get lost in your thoughts and that starts to dig the deepest hole that you weren’t expecting to be in. You self-sabotage yourself when you overthink any situation as it relates to work, friendships, relationships, family and life in general.

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