Category Archives: Life

Education. . .Career. . .Relationship

I have had a lot of conversations with different people on their views on these 3 topics. I brought up the idea you can only focus on 2 of these at a time and can’t have all 3. Not saying you can’t have all 3 but 2 of them will have your primary focus and the 3rd will kind of just be in the back of your mind. More so if it happens, you will go with the flow of it.

No matter what one of these will be on hold or you will not pay that much attention to. The reasoning for that is either A) you already have it established and don’t need to work on it and/or B) you are just winging it and whatever falls into your plate you will deal with. The 2 focuses that most people start off with are education and career, then they end off with career and relationship. Which makes sense but others always find their own paths in life. 
I know people who have maintained these 3 items but it was difficult. When it comes to each one of them the main thing that applies is time. Time to study, do homework, graduate. Time to search for a job, edit your resume, interview. Time to show someone you appreciate them, dinner dates, see them. Each one of them comes down to the time that you have. If you have the time you can make it for all of these things. It is your choice to determine what road you want to take and whatever makes you feel comfortable. 
Review the things in your life and ask yourself “Have I ever successfully had all 3 items at one time?”
“It’s your road and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”

Positive VS Negative

–> Sorry it’s been so long since my last topic but life has a way of occupying your time. So lets talk a bit about positive versus negative. We tend to look at our negatives more then we look at our positives. No matter how little the negative is we make it bigger then the positive and we allow that to drag down our mood/thoughts. I seem to notice that with a lot of people, you can try and tell them to keep positive but they would rather not. They let the negative issue get to them so much that it becomes the only thing that consumes their thoughts.

As individuals, we all go through issues in life that discourage us from doing a lot of things. We can’t let the negatives ever out way our positives. Everything negative that happens to us is always setting us up for something better in life. Sometimes people don’t think about it that way though. You can’t take everything negatively but as a stepping-stone to something better. For example, a couple of my friends have had a lot of trouble finding jobs in their particular fields. Nothing comes easy but they did get really discouraged. They started thinking if they really should have went to school for there particular degree. After a couple, of just standard jobs and pushing forward, they finally landed in their careers.
That sense of achievement and staying positive can take you a long way. Negativity will always be around but you can’t let it consume you. Don’t ever let it consume your decisions. Remain positive and things will fall into place the way you want them to.

“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, remain positive and let things happen. Greatness takes time.”

Social Media Diary

When it comes to venting our frustrations, telling someone how you feel about them or just speaking your mind about a bad situation in your life, where is the first place you go? Most people write down thoughts, some people meditate or they find someone to talk to. Others find a different median to vent and let all their frustrations out. This would be the social media networks we all have come to know and love.

Why is that we have to go to a social media site to vent our frustration? Is it that we think everyone cares? Do we think that these people will help us? Or are we only using this as a way to reach out to the real problem? Let’s be serious, no one cares about your frustrations or your problems. Some people will genuinely care but the other 98% don’t care at all. You are just pure entertainment for them, especially if you are one of those people that use social media as a diary. I know a couple people who spill all there problems on social media and I feel like I pretty much know there life because it’s laid out in front of me. If they have a problem with someone they would rather say something about the person on a social media (without disclosing their names) instead of talking to that person and resolving the issue. Has social media consumed our lives so much that we really don’t know how to communicate with people directly anymore? We would prefer to sub-tweet (via Twitter) or indirectly post a picture status (via Instagram) about them. Are we really incapable of settling things directly instead of indirectly?

With social media being a diary for some people I feel like I really know what’s going on in people’s lives. I know who hates there baby daddy, people who are no longer friends, people who use illegal substances and want to get caught by the cops, people who don’t have a jobs, what people do in their free time, who is part of the IG modeling service and the people who are ONLY twitter famous.

Even with the fact that I am very observant person, social media has really consumed our lives and I really don’t care whats going on in your life EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY. Yes its “social” media but c’mon let’s stop putting our whole lives in this social media diary. Let’s get back to human interaction and not waiting for a crowd of people to give you a million likes so you can tell someone to go fuck themselves.


You ever just wake up and just feel sometimes that you just want to escape? Just escape from work, school, responsibilities, problems, life and just disappear into your thoughts. Just sit in your thoughts and get clarity on what is really going on around you. We tend to rush or let situations guide our decisions without first sitting down and really thinking about them. Sometimes we become overwhelmed with a lot of things that we forget to take a step back and analyze. When we become overwhelmed with situations around us it is always good to just escape and evaluate “What’s a priority and what isn’t a priority.”

The best decisions are made when you have a clear mind. When you escape into your thoughts and you analyze the situation. Just having an escape from reality relaxes your thoughts and lets you just evaluate everything currently on your plate. I have learned that you can’t escape everything and will always need to get back to it but it gives you a moment to breathe. Sometimes all we need is a moment or just a way to slow down everything that is going on around us. Some people find their escape in music or books. Others create their own escape from the world. I feel that everyone needs some type of escape just to gain clarity and not be bothered with the outside world. If you know me then you know my escape is my “cave”. I like to be away from the world to get my thoughts together and not deal with any problems. Your escape is a way of running away without really running away. It’s like your summer home where you can just relax, be away from your problems and determine your next move. You can’t let everything or everyone follow you wherever you go because this is YOUR escape. Everyone wants to escape sometimes.

” Everyone has a way out. . . a way to escape . . .a place to go to. . . be free from pain, stress, despair, people and just life. We all just need an escape to evaluate everything and relax.”