Category Archives: Moving On


As we look back at the people we’ve met and the things that we’ve done, why do we tend to regret? No reason to regret anything at all. It’s something that we wanted to do and the people we wanted to meet. Maybe things go bad but it’s an experience that we chose to move forward with. We can’t say we have never learned anything from the experience, right? I feel like everything is placed in front of you for a reason, to either test how strong you are as a person or make you stronger as person. Nothing is ever easy in life and the experiences that we have in life we should never regret.

I was in a situation where I fell in love with my best friend. Not that I wasn’t in love with her before but it was more then just a friendship love now. You would think that is the best person to fall in love with but when you are both just getting out of horrible relationships, it definitely isn’t good. You both are just lost in your feelings trying to share them with anyone that comes around. Why not share them with the person closest to you? To make a long story short, her guy came back in the picture and I was left out on the corner. Did I regret that we fell for each other? Not at all. It was a great feeling. It just taught me, don’t rush anything. Even with the people you trust the most. Life has a way of kicking you to the ground and bringing you back up later, by offering you some gummy bears then knocking them out of your hand. It’s always a bumpy road but once you start regretting things then you will never learn.

You are always put in situations that you want to regret the people you met or the situations you are put in. Just live your life, move forward and enjoy every moment. Just create memories that you can look back and say ” oh yeah I remember when I did that” and not ” I wish I could have done that.” You will never know what will happen and how happy you will be later. It’s all about the experiences.

“Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Fall madly in love, live to the limit, laugh until it hurts and have no regrets because everything happens for a reason.”

Letting Go

Another week another problem, as we all get older we deal with a situation where we get hurt or have problems and communication between you and someone else gets effected. In the past week I have seen at least 8-10 twitter/facebook status that says something like “ I’m trying to let go but it’s so hard I miss him/her so much” or “ I might hold on to this feeling just because I miss him/her.” Some would say it’s better to hold on because letting go hurts to much, is this true? Yes and No for many different reasons.

Yes because you can hold that perfect feeling of happiness for a good while so you don’t get depressed and get all gloomy. No because it isn’t healthy and you scare off people who would treat you 10x better then the last person. Sometimes we hold on for the wrong reasons, like they are going to come back in to our lives after they decided to leave. That happens 9.5 times out of 10, very slim chance that people realize their mistakes and lose the best thing that ever happened to them. These people always regret their decisions but all you can do is let go and move on, there is something better at the end of the yellow brick road and I’m not talking about OZ. We always find happiness when we least expect it especially if we let go of our past, move on and open our eyes.

Fact it’s harder for woman to move on and let go then it is for guys.

Women have so much more emotions and feelings then guys so they really get attached after some time of being with someone. I know of 3 females at the moment who after 1+ year are still attached to someone who they use to talk to or go out with. I tell them everyday let go, move on, do you because at the moment he doesn’t care about you don’t think he does. He has moved on and let go of his past so he could have a better future. You set yourself up for failure sometimes when you don’t let go and can’t talk to anyone else. You wonder what that person is doing, who they talking to now, where they at . . . . . . .you start to build stalker tendencies and that really isn’t cool. If you need closure to let go contact the person now, send them a letter and get your closure. If you have already received closure and are still hanging on to them while they out doing their own thing then maybe you need a friend who will smack you straight? Just a suggestion, but you are missing out on a lot of things if you are not able to let go and move on, people always regret that they didn’t let go at the right time and miss the best thing that could have ever happened to them.

“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell