Category Archives: Happiness

Hello 2022

    So I am feeling fulfilled, positive, overwhelmed, centered and just already proud with myself. 2021 was another year of just accepting everything that came into my life and just pushing forward. I caught myself doubting certain situations but also just moving forward. I do have an issue with NOT seeing all my accomplishments as actual accomplishments but another step to achieving an overall goal. So I am never as excited about them as other people are.

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Are You Happy? (Part 2)

I’ve been in a place where life is just going so well that my mind has been in outer space. I mean in the sense of just enjoying and accepting everything presented to me and making sure I am able to keep this feeling forever. It’s been harder to share stuff in my writing because I am in an amazing place. I absolutely feel amazing and God has been working his magic on me. Yes I see some negative things in my life but I don’t allow it to sabotage my happiness. The moment I dig a hole of negative thoughts, it will keep going and going. I always ask myself, “Are You Happy?” just to make sure I am in a good headspace. 

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False Sense of Happiness (2)

During this pandemic (Covid 2020 AKA The Rona AKA Big Rona AKA The destroyer of 2020) I feel like a lot of things have clicked for people. Clicked in the sense that they aren’t forcing happiness or letting things around them give them a false sense of happiness anymore. That false sense of happiness you get from hanging around with the wrong people or seeing fake happiness online. We are in a pandemic which is causing people to disconnect from the negatives of the world and just be in their space.

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False Sense of Happiness

Don’t let social media or things you see in society rush you into a false sense of happiness. Just because one person is happy, doesn’t mean you will be happy in the same way. I personally like staying in my bubble and disconnecting from society from time to time. It grounds me and reminds me who I am. I think that so many things that are considered a societal norm, people try to live by. Live your own life, in your own way because you choose to and not because society tells you. 

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